Dr Kristi Milley presents a monthly conversation about recently released articles within the cancer in primary care area. Listen to their in-depth interviews wi...
March 2024 – Ca-PRI Episode 3 – with Famke Huizinga
This is the final taster episode we are releasing in the lead-up to Ca-PRI 2024.
Famke Huizinga is a psychologist and PhD researcher interested in lifestyle, cancer, medical psychology and epidemiology
Here she discusses her work in physical activity counselling with cancer survivors in primary care. Famke and team are looking beyond testing program effectiveness and shifting their focus towards implementation and evaluation in general practice.
February 2024 – Ca-PRI Episode 2 – with Allison Drosdowsky
This is the second of three taster episodes we are releasing in the lead-up to Ca-PRI 2024.
Allison Drosdowsky is a PhD candidate and Health Services Researcher with a background in quantitative research methods and biostatistics. Her research interests include investigating timely cancer diagnosis through use of linked datasets.
Here she discusses her work on the role of pre-diagnosis intervals on colorectal cancer outcomes: a linked data study
February 2024 – Ebony Verbunt and Nicola Creagh
Today we are speaking with researchers Nicola Creagh and Ebony Verbunt from the University of Melbourne’s School of Population and Global Health, Centre for Health Policy. Their team has published a systematic narrative review on primary care practice-based interventions and their effect on participation in population-based cancer screening programs in the Primary Health Care Research and Development Journal.
January 2024 – Ca-PRI Episode 1 – with Assoc. Prof Sarah Bailey and Guest Host Dr Sibel Saya
This is the first of three taster episodes we are releasing in the lead-up to Ca-PRI 2024.
Sarah Bailey is an Associate Professor of Primary Care Diagnostics at the University of Exeter. Her PhD established the link between platelet count and cancer in primary care. She now leads a portfolio of research focussed on cancer in primary care, and the development and implementation of new detection strategies for symptomatic patients. Sarah's work includes practice-changing research on the use of blood-based markers of cancer, faecal immunochemical tests for symptomatic patients, and the integration of genetic risk scores into suspected cancer pathways.
January 2023 – Dr Gemma Skaczkowski
Nikki Davis speaks with Dr Gemma Skaczkowski, a Research Fellow from the University of South Australia, about her systematic review: The nature and impact of patient and public involvement in cancer prevention, screening and early detection research.
Nikki Davis is a member of PC4’s consumer community and is our guest host for this episode.
In this conversation they discuss:
-What constitutes patient involvement
-What research stage most commonly involves consumers
-And the benefits of patient and consumer involvement
This review found that involvement is increasing but more involvement is needed across each step of the research process. You can read the full review here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0091743522004777?via=ihub
Dr Kristi Milley presents a monthly conversation about recently released articles within the cancer in primary care area. Listen to their in-depth interviews with the authors and their general discourse on articles released within the month. This podcast is produced by the Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Group (PC4).
Show notes for all episodes is located here http://pc4tg.com.au/tag/podcast-research-roundup/