When you start going within yourself and doing the inner work... EVERYTHING in life begins to change. Your career, relationships, living situations, hobbies and...
#8 - Your Attention is Worth $16 MILLION per Minute… Here’s How to Focus it on What Matters
Super Bowl commercials were going for $8 million for just 30 seconds of airtime… why are companies paying that much for a short commercial? Could our attention really be worth that much? Let’s talk about how to focus our attention and start creating our reality from a clear and grounded place. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast!After experiencing anxiety attacks and hitting rock bottom in 2018 I came across the practice of meditation. I started meditating daily and after a few weeks everything in my life began to change. If you’re interested in learning how to meditate tap here to book a coaching session with me https://calendly.com/trevoryaglinski/how-to-meditate
#7 - Why Trying to “Find Your Life Purpose” is a WASTE of Time…
How can we truly find our life’s purpose? Do we only have one purpose, or multiple purposes? Let’s talk about this idea of “finding your life’s purpose” and look at it from a more grounded perspective. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast!After experiencing anxiety attacks and hitting rock bottom in 2018 I came across the practice of meditation. I started meditating daily and after a few weeks everything in my life began to change. Tap here to book a meditation coaching session with me for $0 https://calendly.com/trevoryaglinski/how-to-meditate
#6 - How to Leave a Draining Job & Find a More Fulfilling Career (Exact Process to Follow)
One of the hardest and scariest things in life can be when we feel called to switch jobs. It might not make much sense to our logical mind but our heart knows we need to make a change. Today we discuss how to create a grounded plan to move forward with a new career that you’re excited and passionate about.*I apologize for the wind in this episode causing the quality to not be the best*After experiencing anxiety attacks and hitting rock bottom in 2018 I came across the practice of meditation. I started meditating daily and after a few weeks everything in my life began to change. Tap here to book a meditation coaching session with me for $0 https://calendly.com/trevoryaglinski/how-to-meditate
#5 - The TRUTH About the “Hermit Phase” after Awakening & How to Move Past it
The “hermit phase” is so common for people on a spiritual path… Why does this happen and how can we move past it? Today we unpack the hermit phase and share how it’s a very important part of the spiritual journey. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast!After experiencing anxiety attacks and hitting rock bottom in 2018 I came across the practice of meditation. I started meditating daily and after a few weeks everything in my life began to change. Tap here to book a meditation coaching session with me for $0 https://calendly.com/trevoryaglinski/how-to-meditate
#4 - How to Manifest Living in a NEW City, State, or Country (EXACT 3-Step Process)
Do you have a goal of moving to a new place? For a long time I wanted to move to Sedona, Arizona but it didn’t happen until I did these three things which I share today in the podcast. It’s totally possible for you to manifest a new living situation, so get excited! Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss any new episodes.After experiencing anxiety attacks and hitting rock bottom in 2018 I came across the practice of meditation. I started meditating daily and after a few weeks everything in my life began to change. Tap here to book a meditation coaching session with me for $0 https://calendly.com/trevoryaglinski/how-to-meditate
When you start going within yourself and doing the inner work... EVERYTHING in life begins to change. Your career, relationships, living situations, hobbies and passions, it can all shift as you evolve. And these big shifts are not always easy! This podcast is for people who are becoming more aware of who they truly are. We'll share personal experiences and grounded strategies for navigating through life as a highly aware person. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss any new episodes.