RTÉ Drama On One in Ireland presents a collection of Samuel Beckett’s writings and showcases performances by one the world’s greatest Beckett interpreters, Barr...
Originally written for the actor David Warrilow and first performed in 1979. Performed here by Barry McGovern, and directed by Daniel Reardon - with an introduction by Gerry Dukes,.
Extra: Meeting Samuel Beckett
Gerry Dukes has been remembering his own meetings with the writer on numerous occasions in the 1980s.
The Old Tune
The Old Tune is Samuel Beckett's free adaptation of La Manivelle/The Crank, a radio play by French writer, Robert Pinget. Starring Barry McGovern as Cream and Eamon Morrissey as Gorman.
Extra: The myths and mysteries of Samuel Beckett
A pair of programmes made in 2006 by John Bowman celebrating the centenary of Samuel Beckett's birth. In these episodes of "Bowman: Sunday 8.30", John Bowman explores RTÉ Archives recordings addressing some of the myths and mysteries surrounding Beckett and his work.
All That Fall
All That Fall reveals the tortuous journeys of Maddy Rooney to Boghill train station and back, when she decides to surprise her husband Dan on his return train journey from work. Premiered on the BBC in 1957, this RTÉ version was recorded in 1990. Starring Pegg Monahan and Aidan Grennell (pictured) - produced & directed by Barry McGovern.
RTÉ Drama On One in Ireland presents a collection of Samuel Beckett’s writings and showcases performances by one the world’s greatest Beckett interpreters, Barry McGovern with introductions by Gerry Dukes. See rte.ie/dramaonone for more. Series made possible by the kind permission of the Estate of Samuel Beckett. Lead photo courtesy of the Board of Trinity College, the University of Dublin.