Wishing Everyone the best for the festive season! Here's an hour of tunes from me, some new stuff and some favourites! Leave a comment if you want to know any of the track names! Peace Love & Beats
R-Hawk - Xpresha Podcast 007 - Nov 2024
Xpresha Podcast Number 7. Drawing from tunes that I've collected over the past few months.
R-Hawk - Xpresha Podcast 006 - Oct 2024
Xpresha Podcast Number 6. Drawing from tunes that I've collected over the past few months, across a range of styles, played around the 170bpm mark. I brought the tempo right down for the last tune, which is always fun to do by ear on 1210s when you're live in the mix!!
70 minutes containing a mix of Autonomic, Drum & Bass and Jungle. Oh and I apologise for the random notification chimes that crept into the mix!
Clams Casino - I’m God (Heron Flow & Sal Rmx)
Kid drama - Boarderline (Keys To Kill Time/odr)
Creep Woland - All Dogs Go 2 Heaven (Headset)
Ocean Dawn - Progressive Future Music (FutureRetro)
Unknown Artist - Love Disbelief (DSM Promo 001.B2)
Meridian - Lunar Blue (Feat Ben Kei) (Disrupt)
B Key - Creation (Scientific Wax)
Ocean Dawn - Wax Cool (FutureRetro)
Kid Drama - Corporate Underground (Keys To Kill Time/odr)
Basic Rhythm - Woozy (Sully Remix)(Uncertain Hour/Musique Nocturne)
Chimpo - Frontline ft Fox (Calibre Remix)(Soul:R)
Artificial Red - Low Cut Jeans (Deep Jungle)
Quaad - Rail to Rail (Heavy Sounds)
Waterproof - Simple Tings (AKO Arcade)
Equinox - Never Gonna Give Up (Scientific Wax / 4 The Hardway)
Randall & Andy C - Sound Control AWOL VIP (Ram)
Harmony - Let Me In (Moving Shadow)
Tom & Jerry - Escape (Take One)(Shell)
Peace, love & beats ✌️❤️🎵
R-Hawk - Xpresha Podcast 005 - Jun 2024
After a bit of a break, here is a brand new mix of Autonomic style music. Some classics from the genre, interspersed with some new stuff too. Stuff from Exit, Instra:mental, dBridge - old and new (including a few from the recent Exit 100 records) and something off Coco Bryce's new album too. I barely scraped the surface of this genre, so I am already thinking of a part 2, watch this space....
Hope you enjoy! Peace, love & beats ✌️❤️🎵
R-Hawk Label Showcase #2 - Logic Productions
R Hawk Label Showcase #2
This time, taking it back to one of the most bountiful years for jungle - 1994 - and one of the best producers in the genre - Dillinja - with his label Logic Productions. This time, there are only 3 releases on the label, although there is a 4th track licenced from Logic Productions that appeared on Drum & Bass Selection, ‘Baby Your’ that unfortunately never got a standalone release.
My attention for this label started off when I heard a (now infamous) DJ set by Randall at AWOL in May 1994 https://youtu.be/A2bckbM0SLA?si=gYNrl3Mhhzq5QVZe. That was still in the days when I was hearing most new music from mixtapes or recordings from raves and one of our friends, who lived near London, had a copy of this Randall and MC GQ set. We listened to it over and over again and in particular, I was taken by one mellower track, that had a “Deep, deep, love” female vocal sample in it. When we were collecting records back then, there was no internet, if you weren’t near a big city - there was no pirate radio; and while there were DJ magazines, they didn’t really tell you where to go and when, in order to find what you wanted - and they certainly didn’t come with audio clips; so really, it was down to being in the right record shop at the right time and selecting records out of the racks to listen to. I was in Replay Records in Bath, at some point in 1994 (wish I could remember exactly when) and I pulled out a load of stuff to listen to; imagine my excitement when one of them was Dillinja - Deep Love and straight away I knew it was the same track off the Randall mix tape. I have played this record so many times in the last nearly 30 years and it never gets old. I picked up the 3rd release later in 1994, also from Replay in Bath and the 2nd release from W Sounds in Warminster from a 2nd hand collection a couple of years later.
These are all sophisticated jungle drum & bass tracks, they sounded very advanced for the time and definitely some of Dillinja’s finest work. I love how they are not all tear out tunes, but a mixture of styles. I had a couple of goes at this mini-mix, as I soon realised how tricky it was getting the different keys to work together in the mix and blend; but I think I got there in the end! Hope you enjoy…
Deep Love
You Don’t Know Remix
You Don’t Know
Heavenly Bass
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