Exo-planets, sure. Exo-moons and -comets? Fine. But exo ... telescopes?! Emily is going out on a limb in this episode, expanding the definition of telescope to include things that measure stuff in space, and we're here for it! Which means we really do have a few telescopes out there beyond the Solar System, in the shape of Voyagers 1 and 2, with a few more waiting in the wings.On the web: syzygy.fmHelp us make Syzygy even better! Tell your friends and give us a review, or show your support on Patreon: patreon.com/syzygypodSyzygy is produced by Chris Stewart and co-hosted by Dr Emily Brunsden from the Department of Physics at the University of York.Some of the things we talk about in this episode:• The Voyager Missions: Voyager 1 and Voyager 2• Where are the Voyager spacecraft now?• The Heliosphere, where the Solar System ends • The Voyager Golden Record• NASA relieved to get a call from Voyager 1• Syzygy Episode 42: Life, the Universe, and Everything• Syzygy Episode 79: Voyager Hears a Hum• Voyager 2 turns of last scientific instrument• Uranus mystery finally solved!• The Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud• The Pioneer Program, esp. Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11• The Pioneer Plaque• The New Horizons mission and the Pluto Heart image• New Horizons visits Ultima Thule (Arrokoth)
s2e4: Exoplanet Extrapolation
We know, we know — we did exoplanets last time. But that was the current state-of-play and a 2024 exoplanets wrapped update. In this episode, Emily looks to the future! She does a deep dive into the promise of the just wonderful JWST, as it prods exoplanets in ways they’ve never been prodded before.On the web: syzygy.fmHelp us make Syzygy even better! Tell your friends and give us a review, or show your support on Patreon: patreon.com/syzygypodSyzygy is produced by Chris Stewart and co-hosted by Dr Emily Brunsden from the Department of Physics at the University of York.Some of the things we talk about in this episode:• The JWST mission• The Transit method• Exoplanet Phase Curves• Exoplanet GJ1214b and the phase curve paper• Transmission spectroscopy• Exoplanet WASP 39b• Direct imaging of exoplanets• Exoplanet HIP65426b• The JWST first release images• The WASP 96-b “dodgy graph” (see Brundsen, 2025)• Exoplanet WASP 43b’s day and night (and the Nature paper)• The Trappist 1 system
s2e3: Exoplanets ExoWrapped
It couldn't be a season of exo-stuff without taking a good hard look at the current state of exoplanets, the OG exo-thing. Emily sums up the state of exoplanet research in 2024 — her Exoplanets 2024 Wrapped, if you like — then lines up her top three exoplanets of the year, and considers what's coming up next in this exo-ploding field.On the web: syzygy.fmHelp us make Syzygy even better! Tell your friends and give us a review, or show your support on Patreon: patreon.com/syzygypodSyzygy is produced by Chris Stewart and co-hosted by Dr Emily Brunsden from the Department of Physics at the University of York.Some of the things we talk about in this episode:• Exoplanets found in 2024• The Roche Limit• Paper about Gliese 4256b and a nice article• Comet Shoemaker Levy smashes into Jupiter!• Brand-new IRAS 04125+2902: paper and article• Retrograde hot Jupiter TIC 241249530 b: paper and article
s2e2: Exocomet Excitation
Exoplanets, sure. Exo-moons too, apparently. But exo ... comets?! Yes indeed, they're a real thing, and we've known about them for ages! How do you spot something so tiny around another star, so far away? Emily has the insider knowledge, because it's something she's genuinely investigating in her job as an actual, real-life astronomer.On the web: syzygy.fmHelp us make Syzygy even better! Tell your friends and give us a review, or show your support on Patreon: patreon.com/syzygypodSyzygy is produced by Chris Stewart and co-hosted by Dr Emily Brunsden from the Department of Physics at the University of York.Some of the things we talk about in this episode:• Comets: dirty snowballs• Exocomets• Famous comets• Shoemaker-Levy’s Jovian rendezvous• Beta Pictoris, HyperMegaMall of astrophysics• Exocomets around Beta Pic• TESS, everyone’s favourite exo-hunter
s2e1: Exomoon Expectation
Way, way back in the early epochs of Syzygy (ep 19 in Oct 2018 if you must know) we talked about the exciting prospect of spotting the first exomoon — a moon orbiting a planet orbiting a star that is not our own. It seemed reasonable to expect that six years later exomoons would be a thing we've discovered, and maybe even started a catalogue. But turns out, observing a minute signal on top of an already minute signal is hard. Emily outlines our best prospects for exomoon discovery.On the web: syzygy.fmHelp us make Syzygy even better! Tell your friends and give us a review, or show your support on Patreon: patreon.com/syzygypodSyzygy is produced by Chris Stewart and co-hosted by Dr Emily Brunsden from the Department of Physics at the University of York.Some of the things we talk about in this episode:• Syzygy ep 19: Moons, Exomoons & Moonmoons• Does Kepler 1625b have an exomoon?• Seems Unlikely …• What about Kepler 167e?• Volcanic exomoon around Wasp 49b?!