Criminal psychologist Dr Julia Shaw makes a return to the series with a new co-host: journalist Amber Haque. Each episode tells the story of a true crime and ex...
Rob Parkes’ ex-wife lied about him being a drug dealer and a gang member. Then she tried to hire a hitman to have him killed.Rob tells his remarkable story of abuse, narrow escapes and survival.Presented by journalist and true crime documentary maker Amber Haque and criminal psychologist Dr Julia Shaw.Producers: James Shield and Danita McIntyre
Executive Producers: Joe Kent and Innes Bowen
Production Coordinator: Juliette Harvey
Mix Engineer: John Scott
Commissioning Editor: Dylan Haskins
Assistant Commissioner: Izzy Lee-PoultonBad People is a BBC Studios production for BBC Sounds
122. Trust Me I'm a Doctor
Ian Patterson was a sought after breast surgeon and patron of a charity supporting people with cancer, now he’s in prison.He was sentenced to 20 years in 2017 for carrying out unnecessary and unapproved procedures.Hosts Amber Haque and Dr Julia Shaw discuss the psychology of medical encounters and the prevalence of narcissism amongst surgeons.Producer: Rachel Oakes
Executive Producers: Innes Bowen and Joe Kent
Production Coordinator: Juliette Harvey
Mix Engineer: John Scott
Assistant Commissioners: Izzy Lee-Poulton and Sarah Green
Commissioning Editor: Dylan HaskinsBad People is a BBC Studios production for BBC Sounds.
121. Understanding Violence: Bad People x The Reith Lectures
Dr Gwen Adshead has spent almost thirty years working with the some of the most violent offenders in prisons and high security psychiatric facilities. Amber Haque and Dr Julia Shaw speak to Dr Gwen Adshead who is delivering this year's BBC Radio 4 Reith Lectures. She tells Bad People that to really understand violence we need to pay more attention to what perpetrators say about it.
120. We need to talk about Ethan
Should the parents of a high school shooter be held criminally responsible for the actions of their son?The landmark case of James and Jennifer Crumbley, the parents of US high school shooter Ethan Crumbley. They were charged with failing to prevent their son's fatal attack.Presented by journalist and true crime documentary maker Amber Haque and criminal psychologist Dr Julia Shaw.Producer: James Shield
Executive Producer: Innes Bowen
Production Coordinator: Juliette Harvey
Mix Engineer: John Scott
Commissioning Editor: Dylan Haskins
Assistant Commissioner: Izzy Lee-Poulton
119. The Ultimate Foul
Faye Dunn was a professional footballer who played for the England women's team. In 2020, police discovered she had another career in organised crime.Amber Haque tells the story of how Faye and her father were rumbled in the biggest organised crime bust in British history. Dr Julia Shaw delves into the research on double lives and going into crime with a family member.Producers: Maggie Latham, Lorna Reader and Fiona Woods
Production Apprentice: Danita McIntyre
Executive Producer: Innes Bowen
Production Coordinator: Juliette Harvey
Mix Engineer: John Scott
Commissioning Editor: Dylan Haskins
Assistant Commissioner: Izzy Lee-Poulton
Criminal psychologist Dr Julia Shaw makes a return to the series with a new co-host: journalist Amber Haque. Each episode tells the story of a true crime and explains why people do bad things. Murder, blackmail, fraud and much more. Listen every Thursday. Bad People is a BBC Studios Audio production for BBC Sounds.