In The Shadows delves into a riveting unsolved mystery from 1991. When the body of a young woman is discovered by two terrified boys in the desert near Bakersfi...
Some stories are so profound, so unimaginable, that they stay with us forever. The Unthinkable is the latest podcast from Casefile Presents, hosted by two of Australia's leading voices in true crime, Vikki Petraitis and Emily Webb. The series delves into tales of ordinary people who have faced extraordinary, often devastating events and emerged forever changed.From survivors of traumatic events to victims of relentless stalking, and even those who’ve confronted some of Australia’s most notorious criminals, The Unthinkable explores the depths of human resilience.Listen now, wherever you get your podcasts. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Maricza embarks on a journey to find out more about her biological father’s past and makes some surprising discoveries. ***Follow the Facebook page created by Maria's niece here: the petition urging the DA's Office to pursue justice for Maria: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
As we go over the timeline of that fatal day, it turns out some of the information presented during the trial may have been incorrect. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Reign Of Terror
Many years later, new information comes to light after some individuals speak up for the first time about what they witnessed. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Painful Secrets
Every family has secrets. But some are darker than others. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In The Shadows delves into a riveting unsolved mystery from 1991. When the body of a young woman is discovered by two terrified boys in the desert near Bakersfield, California, authorities quickly target her popular star-athlete boyfriend. The case - one of the most controversial in Kern County’s history - quickly drew national media attention, and the ensuing trials divided the community and sparked a heated debate. Despite that, the perpetrator of this horrific crime remained unpunished. 32 years after the murder, a fresh investigation conducted by this podcast takes an unexpected turn when several individuals reveal shocking information previously unknown by authorities and the public alike. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.