A major new World War One drama series telling the true love story of English soldier Eric Appleby and his Irish sweetheart, Phyllis Kelly. The final episode in the series.
Episode 136
Major WWI drama series telling the true love story of an English soldier and his Irish sweetheart. Eric relives the horror of seeing the face of a driver trapped under three horses.
Episode 135
A major WWI drama series. 'Heavens. When I think of the poor infantry who have to stay for long hours... in absolute freezing cold.'.
Episode 134
A major WWI drama series telling the true love story of English soldier Eric Appleby, and his Irish sweetheart, Phyllis Kelly. The dugout collapses as water destroys the trench.
Episode 133
WWI drama series telling the true love story of an English soldier and his Irish sweetheart. 'I can feel the wonderful thrill of real love go through me as I kiss your lips'.