This week, Dunc & Mo look to Metallica's 1988 Album And Justice For All. We review and give our uneducated opinions on one of metal's finest albums. So make sure you had your shreddy breks and maybe throw this classic banger on for yourself.
Ep. 3 - Gotta Love Live Music
Does Ireland Still Attract The Big Bands & Concerts? Dunc & Mo have a chat regarding some gigs of years past, along with a few upcoming 2025 gigs that are marked on the gig calendar
Episode 2 - The 80's, Great Decade For Metal Albums
This week, Dunc & Mo look at the decade of the 1980's. Looking through a Top 25 list along with giving their own Top 5 hard rock and metal albums. It give a little more of a deep dive into the minds of these 2 opinionated lads who just love the music
Episode 1 - The Introduction
Welcome to a new rock era. This first week Dunc & Mo just shoot the breeze about music they like and what got them into doing this madness. I know what you're thinking, another rock pod? Yeah sure why not.....