Lead singer of Marillion, father, hippy, punk, soul singer, progressive rockstar (wtf!), defender of the faith, voice of reason in a world gone crazy...
Chapter 230. Are there any more famous Butlers per chance?
Would you believe it’s been 34 years since we wrote and recorded the Holidays in Eden album…Yes of course you can, because you and I both know that a whole heap of stuff had happened since then. But still, 34 years, it does make you stop and think.Which is of course what I did, when I listened back to it the other day. So for this chapter of TCD (…sorry Lucy) we ar going to talk about side one of HiE heard through ears that are older by three decades and a little more.And if that wasn’t enough, there is a toe-dipping-opportunity for the non-Purps and a spreadsheet corner update for the rest.Love’n’stray brown strandshTCD Merch StoreBecome Purple and support the showThe Invisible Man Volume 1: 1991-1997The Invisible Man Volume2: 1998-2014FacebookInstagramWebsite
Chapter 229. It's a f*cking paperweight
For your discerning palette.Appetiser:A fact-free riff on the history of the Rolling Stones, complete with rugs, confectionary and transfusions.Entree: Quite an interesting chat about Holidays in Eden and its significance in terms of both the back catalogue, and the evolution of our work. Not the conversation we set to have, in true TCD style (sorry Lucy), but worth a listen.Dessert:A selection of three; an alternative take on Valentines, abstinence for those that get easily distracted, and the support you get from your internal best friend (in my case Bob)Bon Appetiteh
Chapter 228. JPEGs and jet-lag.
As we approach the five year anniversary of the podcast (and who would have thunk that would have been a thing) I never thought I would have been reading a recipe out loud. But after a bit of kerfuffle at Ant's end, I received the JPEGs required to make it possible.There is of course good reason, and it's a little complicated, but it involves fish finger apathy and me forgetting to listen to Holidays in Eden and by the time you get to the end of #228 it should all make some kind of sense. And to bring you all bang up to date, I did indeed break out the pans and bash through said recipe and, despite getting a little over-enthusiastic with one of L’s devices and dicing mi onions to mush, it went down rather well with at least 50% of the household.Oh, and after consultation with L and Vibes, the man who wrote the Haynes manual for the Boeing 737 was (drum-roll) Charles Kennedy!Love'n'the-other-nobby-stilesNigellaP.S Ant apologises for being a bit snuffly.Cabin PressureTCD Merch StoreBecome Purple and support the showThe Invisible Man Volume 1: 1991-1997The Invisible Man Volume2: 1998-2014FacebookInstagramWebsite
Chapter 227. Have we got a video?
Apologies in advance for the first 5-10 minutes of this episode of TCD (sorry, Lucy) as Ant faffed around trying to get his microphone to send a signal to his recording software. We kept it in because it's a little insight into the technical challenges that men of a certain age often face.And on that subject I did finally manage to send Ant those two pictures I promised, only took three days...Anyway onto to the business in hand, and today we return to the subject of Marillion Promo Vids as we round out the story with memories of filming These Chains back in 1998.And if you are now thinking "I don't remember a video for These Chains...?!" thats because it largely slipped under the radar, but thanks to Lucy J you can see it in all it's err ”glory” (?)…on the Marillion YouTube Channel.Love'n'lipsyncsh
Chapter 226. Who do we think we are
Well hello, thanks for coming...it really is lovely to see you!Ant thought it might be nice to begin 2025 (HNY by the way, I hope you had a good 'un) with a bit of a pop quiz, based around what I can actually remember about my own podcast.Clearly he thought this would be hilarious, particularly as the only bit of a clue I was allowed was the chapter title and the date it was published. And because the whole world seems to be doing 2024 review-type stuff at the moment, we started with the first episode of last year.So, if you think you know your TCD, and you want to play along at home, these are the ones we had a go at...191 - Third drawer on the left in the laptop192 - in amongst the football boots and dog food193 - And some people know me as Papa194 - Dawn in California, Joe sends hugsAs you might imagine, I did fairly dreadfully.Right I am off to find my sea-legs, join me for a turn around the deck if you feel the urge.Hearts'n'bones,hTCD Merch StoreBecome Purple and support the showThe Invisible Man Volume 1: 1991-1997The Invisible Man Volume2: 1998-2014FacebookInstagramWebsite
Lead singer of Marillion, father, hippy, punk, soul singer, progressive rockstar (wtf!), defender of the faith, voice of reason in a world gone crazy...
...and now podcaster.
Join me as I talk about my life and what is rambling around in my head.
Along the way I will focus on some of the stories that have shaped my career and my life, as well as reading from my diaries and offering my take on the wider world.
Stay safe,
P.S I began this journey just as CoVid-19 took hold and changed our lives, possibly forever, so it seems apt to reference that in the naming of the podcast.