Consecrated men and women have a profound role within the Church. Serving as the hands and feet of Christ, these communities strive to share His Love and Light...
Mother Gabrielle Marie talks about the formation of her community, including how she began with Mother Angelica's Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration. She also shares a little of the story of Luisa Piccarreta's life, and how Jesus invited her to place an "I Love You" on everything.
Looking for more information about the Benedictines of the Divine Will? Considering a donation? Discerning a vocation? Visit there website at Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will
Wanting to read the Divine Will writings? Find all 36 volumes of Luisa's "Book of Heaven" at Book of Heaven
Find the YouTube audio recordings at The Book of Heaven YouTube
Looking for more Luisa Piccarreta works? Check out the YouTube channel at Fiat Luisa
If you are a religious order who would like to set up an interview, are someone who has a suggestion for an order whom you think would be open to an interview, or you have questions/suggestions, contact me at Consecrated Contact
World Day for Consecrated Life and Supporting Religious Vocations
In gratitude for the presence of religious men and women in the Church, this special episode celebrates the World Day for Consecrated Life. Beginning with an interview with Mrs. Mary Radford, executive director of the Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations, we discuss some of the ways individuals can support both incoming and retired religious both monetary and otherwise. After our interview, some of our previous guests such as Sr. Ana Chiara and Fr. Augustine Wetta have provided bonus content about their favorite aspect of being a religious.
Please consider supporting our religious men and women, as they are a gift from God to our world!
To support incoming vocations beginning their journey, visit Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations
To support our retired religious who have given their lives for the Church, visit Retirement Fund for Religious
If you are a religious order who would like to set up an interview, are someone who has a suggestion for an order whom you think would be open to an interview, or you have questions/suggestions, contact me at Consecrated Contact
Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will: Mother Gabrielle Marie
Mother Gabrielle Marie founded the Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will in 2011, inspired by the writings of Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and private revelation. A contemplative community following the rule of St Benedict, they pray all seven hours of the Divine Office and incorporate some of Luisa's practices, they strive to live in the spirit of the Family of Nazareth.
Looking for more information about the Benedictines of the Divine Will? Considering a donation? Discerning a vocation? Visit there website at Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will
Wanting to read the Divine Will writings? Find all 36 volumes of Luisa's "Book of Heaven" at Book of Heaven
Find the YouTube audio recordings at The Book of Heaven YouTube
Looking for more Luisa Piccarreta works? Check out the YouTube channel at Fiat Luisa
If you are a religious order who would like to set up an interview, are someone who has a suggestion for an order whom you think would be open to an interview, or you have questions/suggestions, contact me at Consecrated Contact
Lifefest 2025
JOIN US FOR LIFEFEST 2025 JAN 23&24!!! Lifefest is a rally put on by the Sisters of Life promoting the dignity of human life, especially of the unborn child. Join the Sisters and Catholics around the country this week as we pray for the legal protection of unborn children, for pregnant mothers, and uncertain fathers. For more information on Lifefest, to join the rally either in person or virtually, visit Lifefest 2025
Your prayers are valuable beyond what you can imagine! Life is a gift: protect it!
Sacrifice, Consolation, and Invitation with Sr. Diana Marie, O.P.
Sr. Diana Marie - a former Mormon - shares how her conversion led to her vocation with the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne. Speaking on the uncertainty of discernment, she underlines vocation as an invitation.
Interested in finding out more about the Sisters? Considering a vocation, or a donation? Check out their website at Hawthorne Dominicans
If you are a religious order who would like to set up an interview, are someone who has a suggestion for an order whom you think would be open to an interview, or you have questions/suggestions, contact me at Consecrated Contact
Consecrated men and women have a profound role within the Church. Serving as the hands and feet of Christ, these communities strive to share His Love and Light with the world through their prayer life, charisms, various apostolates, and radiant joy. Through interviews with religious brothers, fathers, and sisters may we encounter the True Light which penetrates consecrated life!