Where are the scariest, most haunted places out there? With Haunted Horizons GhostCast, Kag and Ali not only reveal where they are but also discuss their person...
Ep 55 | GHOSTCAST Christmas & New Year Special | 2024
Wow, what a year 2024 has been! We look at this challenging year's highs and even the lows while celebrating kicking it out the door!
Ep54 Pt 2 | HAUNTED Z Ward Asylum | The Ghost Stories Continue
The very haunted Z Ward, part of the historic Parkside Lunatic Asylum and home for the 'criminally insane', has been quite the journey. It has challenged the minds of many rational-thinking people! We look at the ghost stories that have accumulated over 10 years.
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Kevin McLeod - Darkness is Coming
Ep53 Pt 1 | HAUNTED Z Ward Asylum | Home for the Criminally Insane
The very haunted Z Ward, part of the historic Parkside Lunatic Asylum and home for the 'criminally insane', has been quite the journey. It has challenged the minds of many rational-thinking people! We look at the ghost stories that have accumulated over 10 years.
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Website - https://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au
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Kevin McLeod - Darkness is Coming
Ep52 Pt 2 | HAUNTED Adelaide Gaol | It just gets Weirder!
The journey continues in Part 2
The haunted Old Adelaide Gaol was built in 1841 and closed in 1988 and her ghost stories have long been spoken of, even when it was a working prison. Alison started researching it back in 2002 and remains there 22 years later. One of the longest research opportunities to date.
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Website - https://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au
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Kevin McLeod - Darkness is Coming
The haunted Old Adelaide Gaol was built in 1841 and closed in 1988 and her ghost stories have long been spoken of, even when it was a working prison. Alison started researching it back in 2002 and remains there 22 years later. One of the longest research opportunities to date.
Please like and subscribe to our channel.
Support us on Patreon for extra content - https://www.patreon.com/hauntedhorizons
Website - https://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au
Podcast - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hauntedhorizonsghostcast
Kevin McLeod - Darkness is Coming
Where are the scariest, most haunted places out there? With Haunted Horizons GhostCast, Kag and Ali not only reveal where they are but also discuss their personal adventures through these often terrifying places! They confide with you their most chilling moments, any amazing captures, as well as any funny moments along the way (and there were many).
With over 180 investigation locations visited in Australia, U.K. and U.S.A., there is plenty to talk about!
So turn off the lights, sit back, and let's get our spook on!