Listen: St. Benedict Speaks Today is a production of Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison, Kansas. Production assistance was provided by Mary Minicky. The translat...
Former Prioress Sister Mary Collins joins Hosts Jennifer Halling and Sister Molly Brockwell in discussing the importance of community in the Rule of St. Benedict.
Episode 5 - Patience
Sister Thomasita joins hosts Sister Molly Brockwell and Jennifer Halling in discussing the importance of patience in the Rule of St. Benedict.
Episode 4 - What Is More Delightful
Sister Molly and Jennifer sit down with Sister Mary Irene discuss the importance of silence in verses 19-20 in the Prologue of the Rule of St. Benedict: "What, dear brothers, is more delightful than this voice of the Lord calling us? See how the Lord in his love shows us the way of life."
Episode 3 - Settle Down
Sister Cecilia Olson joins hosts Jennifer Halling and Sister Molly Brockwell discussing the importance of escaping the noise of everyday life.
Episode 2 - Prayer
"Prayer deepens my awareness of God working through me." - Sister Mary Elizabeth is interviewed by our hosts about the importance of prayer in the Rule of St. Benedict.
Listen: St. Benedict Speaks Today is a production of Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison, Kansas. Production assistance was provided by Mary Minicky. The translation of the Rule of St. Benedict that we used in this podcast is RB 1980, published by Liturgical Press. Our theme music was composed by Sister Susan Barber, OSB, and recorded by the Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica.
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