A jaded lawyer, on the payroll of a nameless corporate entity, travels the backroads of modern day America on a mission to unearth a mysterious object simply ca...
Following a decades-old lead and an abandoned stretch of highway, the lawyer stumbles into a tale of darkness, bad luck, and the kind of monsters that spawned in 1980's America.
Episode 6 - Chronology
A story surfaces in the papers of Dick Nash relating to a powerful and secretive millionaire's diabolical foray into life extension technologies.
Episode 5 - Polaroid
An old house, sitting abandoned and filled with terrible secrets, may hold the next clue to the whereabouts of the Package.
Episode 4 - Ascension
The lawyer follows Dick Nash's trail to Azide, West Virginia. The town lies in a valley on which industrial and economic success has vast consequences in both Nash's time and our own.
Episode 3 - Frost
Still on the trail of Dick Nash, the lawyer finds himself in a city on the shores of America's Great Lakes, where the rich and powerful play blithely with forces beyond their comprehension.
A jaded lawyer, on the payroll of a nameless corporate entity, travels the backroads of modern day America on a mission to unearth a mysterious object simply called "the Package." The only clues to its whereabouts are a disjointed series of notes and records compiled by an obscure 1980's pulp fiction writer who traveled the same roads half a century ago and wrote under the pen name Dick Nash.