KIIP 1: Unit 11–Essential Words and Phrases about Special Days and Activities
🎙️ Welcome to the Self-study Korean Podcast, your guide to mastering Korean language and culture. In today’s episode, we’ll explore Unit 11, where we focus on talking about special days, celebrations, and related activities. By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to discuss special occasions, express gratitude, and use honorifics to show respect in Korean.
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KIIP Level 1: Unit 11 – Essential Words and Phrases about Special Days and Activities
Essential Vocabulary
🎙️ Let’s start with the essential vocabulary. This unit is divided into three categories: Verbs, Special Days, and Other Vocabulary.
Here are common action words related to special days:
• 주다 – To give
• 보내다 – To send
• 받다 – To receive
• 초대를 하다 – To invite
• 초대를 받다 – To be invited
• 선물을 하다 – To give a gift
• 선물을 받다 – To receive a gift
• 이야기를 하다 – To talk
• 이야기를 듣다 – To listen to a conversation
• 전화를 하다 – To make a phone call
• 전화를 받다 – To receive a phone call
Special Days
Here are some common special days in Korea:
• 어버이날 – Parents’ Day
• 스승의 날 – Teachers’ Day
• 졸업식 – Graduation ceremony
• 결혼식 – Wedding ceremony
• 생일 – Birthday
• 생신 – Birthday (honorific)
• 여성의 날 – Women’s Day
• 어린이날 – Children’s Day
Other Vocabulary
A few more words you’ll need:
• 기분이 좋다 – To feel good
• 부모님 – Parents
• 선생님 – Teacher
🎙️ These words will help you talk about giving and receiving gifts, expressing gratitude, and celebrating special occasions.
Key Phrases to Practice
🎙️ Now, let’s practice some key phrases to help you talk about special days and activities:
Talking About Giving and Receiving
1. 친구 생일에 뭐 해요?
– What do you do for a friend’s birthday?
– 선물을 줘요.
(I give a gift.)
2. 누구에게 전화를 했어요?
– Who did you call?
– 동생에게 전화를 했어요.
(I called my younger sibling.)
3. 아버지께 생신 선물 보냈어요?
– Did you send a birthday gift to your father?
– 네, 옷을 보냈어요.
(Yes, I sent clothes.)
Expressing Gratitude
4. 어버이날에 부모님께 뭐하고 말해요?
– What do you say to your parents on Parents’ Day?
– 부모님, 감사합니다.
(Thank you, parents.)
5. 스승의 날에 선생님께 뭐 해요?
– What do you do for your teacher on Teachers’ Day?
– 선생님께 선물을 드려요.
(I give a gift to my teacher.)
Making Requests
6. 창문을 좀 닫아 주세요.
– Please close the window.
– 네, 알겠습니다.
(Yes, I understand.)
7. 딸에게 책을 읽어 줘요.
– I read a book to my daughter.
8. 한국은 어린이날에 아이에게 선물을 사 줘요.
– In Korea, people buy gifts for children on Children’s Day.
🎙️ Combine these phrases with the vocabulary to talk about your experiences or ask about others’ activities!
Quiz Time!
🎙️ Alright, it’s Quiz Time! Let’s test your knowledge with a quick quiz. I’ll say a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Korean. I’ll pause after each question to give you time to think. Ready? Let’s begin!
First question: How would you say, “What do you do on Parents’ Day?” in Korean?
[Pause for listener to think]
🎙️ The answer is: 어버이날에 뭐 해요?
Next question: How would you say, “Who did you call yesterday?” in Korean?
🎙️ The answer is: 어제 누구에게 전화를 했어요?
Final question: How would you say, “Please help me buy a gift for my friend” in Korean?
🎙️ The answer is: 친구 선물 사는 것을 도와주세요.
Repeat after me: 친구 선물 사는 것을 도와주세요.
🎙️ How did you do? Don’t worry if you made mistakes – that’s part of the learning process.
🎙️ That’s all for today’s episode on Unit 11 – Special Days and Activities. In this lesson, you’ve learned essential vocabulary, phrases, and grammar for talking about special occasions and showing respect through honorifics.
🎙️ Be sure to review this lesson and practice talking about your own special days or asking about others’. Visit for additional resources, and stay tuned for our next episode.
🎙️ Thank you for listening, and as always, happy studying!