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Self-Study Korean Podcasts for Beginners - KIIP Level 1

Podcast Self-Study Korean Podcasts for Beginners - KIIP Level 1
Korean Topik
Welcome to Self-Study Korean Podcasts for Beginners - KIIP Level 1, the ultimate podcast for beginners learning Korean! In this 18-episode series, we’ll guide y...

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  • KIIP 1: Unit 13–Essential Words and Phrases about Transportation
    🎙️ Welcome to the Self-Study Korean Podcast, your guide to mastering the Korean language and culture. In today’s episode, we’re diving into Unit 13, where you’ll learn how to talk about transportation in Korea. By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to describe different modes of transportation, ask for directions, and talk about your commute with essential expressions! ________________________________________ Visit our website for more details: KIIP Level 1: Unit 13 – Essential Words and Phrases about Transportation https://www.koreantopik.com/2024/12/kiip-level-1-unit-13essential-words-and.html ________________________________________ Essential Vocabulary 🎙️ Let’s start by reviewing key vocabulary related to transportation in Korea. Transportation Types 🚗🚆✈️ • 자동차 – Car • 지하철 – Subway • 오토바이 – Motorcycle • 걸어서 – On foot • 자전거 – Bicycle • 택시 – Taxi • 버스 – Bus • 정류장 – Bus stop • 공항 – Airport • 비행기 – Airplane • 지하철역 – Subway station • 기차역 – Train station • 기차 – Train • 고속버스 – Express bus • 고속버스 터미널 – Express bus terminal • 택시 타는 곳 – Taxi stand Verbs and Activities • 타다 – To ride • 운전하다 – To drive • 환전하다 – To exchange money • 소포 – Parcel Places and Experiences • 남산 – Mt. Namsan • 전망대 – Observatory • 케이블카 – Cable car • 대중교통 – Public transportation • 수단 – Means 🎙️ These words will help you navigate transportation in Korea and describe how you get around! ________________________________________ Key Phrases to Practice 🎙️ Now, let’s practice some key phrases for talking about transportation. Talking About Transportation 🚍🚲 1. 버스로 집에 가요? Do you go home by bus? – 아니요, 지하철로 가요. (No, I go by subway.) 2. 학교에 어떻게 와요? How do you come to school? – 자전거로 와요. (I come by bicycle.) 3. 공항에 택시로 가요. I go to the airport by taxi. 4. 공원에 가요? Are you going to the park? – 네, 자전거 타러 가요. (Yes, I’m going to ride a bicycle.) Talking About Activities and Purposes 5. 한국에 왜 왔어요? Why did you come to Korea? – 일하러 왔어요. (I came to work.) 6. 친구들과 식당에 점심을 먹으러 가요. I’m going to the restaurant with my friends to eat lunch. 7. 여기에서 지하철까지 어떻게 가요? How do I get to the subway from here? – 걸어서 가세요. 가까워요. (Go on foot. It’s close.) 🎙️ These phrases will be very useful when asking for directions or discussing travel plans! ________________________________________ Quiz Time! 🎙️ Alright, it’s Quiz Time! I’ll give you some sentences in English, and your job is to translate them into Korean. Take your time and pause if needed. Question 1: How do you say, “How do you come to school? (I come by bus.)” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 학교에 어떻게 와요? 버스로 와요. Question 2: How do you say, “Why did you come to Korea? (I came to study Korean.)” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 한국에 왜 왔어요? 한국어를 공부하러 왔어요. Final Question: Complete the sentence using -(으)로: • 공항에 ______. (I go to the airport by taxi.) The answer is: 공항에 택시로 가요. 🎙️ How did you do? Keep practicing to get more comfortable with these expressions! ________________________________________ Conclusion 🎙️ That’s all for today’s episode on Unit 13 – Transportation. You’ve learned essential vocabulary, key phrases, and grammar points to talk about how you travel and ask for directions. These skills will help you navigate Korea and communicate your travel plans confidently! 🎙️ Be sure to review this lesson and practice speaking out loud. Visit KoreanTopik.com for more learning resources, and join us next time for another useful lesson! 🎙️ Thank you for listening, and as always, happy studying! 🚍✈️🚴
  • KIIP 1: Unit 12–Essential Words and Phrases about Holidays and Vacations
    🎙️ Welcome to the Self-Study Korean Podcast, your guide to mastering the Korean language and culture. In today’s episode, we’re diving into Unit 12, where you’ll learn how to talk about holidays (휴일) and vacations (휴가). By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to describe your plans, share activities, and link multiple actions in Korean! ________________________________________ Visit our website for more details: KIIP Level 1: Unit 12 – Essential Words and Phrases about Holidays and Vacations https://www.koreantopik.com/2024/12/kiip-level-1-unit-12essential-words-and.html ________________________________________ Essential Vocabulary 🎙️ Let’s start by reviewing vocabulary for activities during holidays and vacations. Activities on Holidays (휴일) Here are some things you might do on a holiday: • 공원에서 농구를 하다 – To play basketball at the park • 컴퓨터 게임을 하다 – To play computer games • 여행을 가다 – To go on a trip • 가족하고 외식하다 – To dine out with family • 아이하고 놀이공원에 가다 – To go to an amusement park with kids • 한국어를 열심히 공부하다 – To study Korean diligently • 한국 요리를 배우다 – To learn Korean cooking • 낮잠을 자다 – To take a nap • 친구 집에 놀러 가다 – To visit a friend’s house Activities on Vacation (휴가) For longer breaks, here are some fun vacation activities: • 바다 – Sea • 수영을 하다 – To swim • 배를 타다 – To ride a boat • 낚시를 하다 – To go fishing • 산 – Mountain • 등산을 하다 – To hike • 캠핑을 하다 – To camp • 꽃구경을 하다 – To go flower viewing • 놀이공원 – Amusement park • 동물을 구경하다 – To watch animals • 놀이 기구를 하다 – To go on rides • 불꽃놀이를 보다 – To watch fireworks • 고향 – Hometown • 고향 친구들을 만나다 – To meet hometown friends • 부모님을 만나다 – To meet parents • 고향 음식을 먹다 – To eat hometown food Additional Vocabulary Here are some extra words you might find useful: • 인삼차 – Ginseng tea • 화장품 – Cosmetics • 친척 – Relatives • 빨리 – Quickly • 안산 – Ansan city 🎙️ These words will help you describe your holiday or vacation plans in detail! ________________________________________ Key Phrases to Practice 🎙️ Next, let’s practice key phrases to discuss holidays and vacations. Talking About Future Plans 1. 이번 휴일에 뭐 할 거예요? What are you going to do this holiday? – 놀이공원에 갈 거예요. (I’m going to go to the amusement park.) 2. 저녁에 뭐 먹을 거예요? What are you going to eat for dinner? – 김치찌개를 먹을 거예요. (I’m going to eat kimchi stew.) 3. 이번 휴가에 뭐 할 거예요? What are you going to do on vacation? – 산에서 등산도 하고 캠핑도 할 거예요. (I’ll hike and camp in the mountains.) 4. 휴가 때 어디에 갈 거예요? Where are you going for vacation? – 휴가 때 바다에 갈 거예요. (I’m going to the sea for vacation.) Talking About Regular Weekend Activities 5. 주말에 보통 뭐 해요? What do you usually do on weekends? – 저는 장도 보고 운동도 해요. (I usually do the grocery shopping and exercise.) 🎙️ Practice these phrases to describe your plans or ask about someone else’s! ________________________________________ Quiz Time! 🎙️ Alright, it’s Quiz Time! Let’s test your knowledge. I’ll say a sentence in English, and you’ll translate it into Korean. Take your time and pause if needed. Question 1: How would you say, “What are you going to do this weekend?” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 이번 주말에 뭐 할 거예요? Question 2: Translate: “I’m going to visit my parents and eat hometown food.” 🎙️ The answer is: 부모님을 만나고 고향 음식을 먹을 거예요. Final Question: Connect these actions using -고: • “I study Korean and learn Korean cooking.” • 🎙️ The answer is: 한국어를 공부하고 한국 요리를 배워요. 🎙️ How did you do? Don’t forget, practice makes perfect! ________________________________________ Conclusion 🎙️ That’s all for today’s episode on Unit 12 – Holidays and Vacations. You’ve learned vocabulary, phrases, and grammar to talk about your plans and connect multiple actions. These skills are essential for discussing schedules and sharing experiences in Korean! 🎙️ Be sure to review this episode and practice describing your next vacation in Korean. Visit KoreanTopik.com for more resources, and join us next time for another lesson. 🎙️ Thank you for listening, and as always, happy studying! 🎉
  • KIIP 1: Unit 11–Essential Words and Phrases about Special Days and Activities
    🎙️ Welcome to the Self-study Korean Podcast, your guide to mastering Korean language and culture. In today’s episode, we’ll explore Unit 11, where we focus on talking about special days, celebrations, and related activities. By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to discuss special occasions, express gratitude, and use honorifics to show respect in Korean. ________________________________________ Visit our website for more details: KIIP Level 1: Unit 11 – Essential Words and Phrases about Special Days and Activities https://www.koreantopik.com/2024/12/kiip-level-1-unit-11essential-words-and.html ________________________________________ Essential Vocabulary 🎙️ Let’s start with the essential vocabulary. This unit is divided into three categories: Verbs, Special Days, and Other Vocabulary. Verbs Here are common action words related to special days: • 주다 – To give • 보내다 – To send • 받다 – To receive • 초대를 하다 – To invite • 초대를 받다 – To be invited • 선물을 하다 – To give a gift • 선물을 받다 – To receive a gift • 이야기를 하다 – To talk • 이야기를 듣다 – To listen to a conversation • 전화를 하다 – To make a phone call • 전화를 받다 – To receive a phone call Special Days Here are some common special days in Korea: • 어버이날 – Parents’ Day • 스승의 날 – Teachers’ Day • 졸업식 – Graduation ceremony • 결혼식 – Wedding ceremony • 생일 – Birthday • 생신 – Birthday (honorific) • 여성의 날 – Women’s Day • 어린이날 – Children’s Day Other Vocabulary A few more words you’ll need: • 기분이 좋다 – To feel good • 부모님 – Parents • 선생님 – Teacher 🎙️ These words will help you talk about giving and receiving gifts, expressing gratitude, and celebrating special occasions. ________________________________________ Key Phrases to Practice 🎙️ Now, let’s practice some key phrases to help you talk about special days and activities: Talking About Giving and Receiving 1. 친구 생일에 뭐 해요? – What do you do for a friend’s birthday? – 선물을 줘요. (I give a gift.) 2. 누구에게 전화를 했어요? – Who did you call? – 동생에게 전화를 했어요. (I called my younger sibling.) 3. 아버지께 생신 선물 보냈어요? – Did you send a birthday gift to your father? – 네, 옷을 보냈어요. (Yes, I sent clothes.) Expressing Gratitude 4. 어버이날에 부모님께 뭐하고 말해요? – What do you say to your parents on Parents’ Day? – 부모님, 감사합니다. (Thank you, parents.) 5. 스승의 날에 선생님께 뭐 해요? – What do you do for your teacher on Teachers’ Day? – 선생님께 선물을 드려요. (I give a gift to my teacher.) Making Requests 6. 창문을 좀 닫아 주세요. – Please close the window. – 네, 알겠습니다. (Yes, I understand.) 7. 딸에게 책을 읽어 줘요. – I read a book to my daughter. 8. 한국은 어린이날에 아이에게 선물을 사 줘요. – In Korea, people buy gifts for children on Children’s Day. 🎙️ Combine these phrases with the vocabulary to talk about your experiences or ask about others’ activities! ________________________________________ Quiz Time! 🎙️ Alright, it’s Quiz Time! Let’s test your knowledge with a quick quiz. I’ll say a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Korean. I’ll pause after each question to give you time to think. Ready? Let’s begin! First question: How would you say, “What do you do on Parents’ Day?” in Korean? [Pause for listener to think] 🎙️ The answer is: 어버이날에 뭐 해요? Next question: How would you say, “Who did you call yesterday?” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 어제 누구에게 전화를 했어요? Final question: How would you say, “Please help me buy a gift for my friend” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 친구 선물 사는 것을 도와주세요. Repeat after me: 친구 선물 사는 것을 도와주세요. 🎙️ How did you do? Don’t worry if you made mistakes – that’s part of the learning process. ________________________________________ Conclusion 🎙️ That’s all for today’s episode on Unit 11 – Special Days and Activities. In this lesson, you’ve learned essential vocabulary, phrases, and grammar for talking about special occasions and showing respect through honorifics. 🎙️ Be sure to review this lesson and practice talking about your own special days or asking about others’. Visit KoreanTopik.com for additional resources, and stay tuned for our next episode. 🎙️ Thank you for listening, and as always, happy studying!
  • KIIP 1 : Unit 10–Essential Words and Phrases about Family Relations and Korean Honorifics
    🎙️ Welcome to the Self-study Korean Podcast, your guide to mastering Korean language and culture. In today’s episode, we’ll explore Unit 10, where we focus on talking about family and using Korean honorifics. By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to describe your family, ask about others’ families, and use honorific expressions to show respect in Korean conversations. ________________________________________ Visit our website for more details: KIIP Level 1: Unit 10 – Essential Words and Phrases about Family Relations and Korean Honorifics https://www.koreantopik.com/2024/12/kiip-level-1-unit-10essential-words-and.html ________________________________________ Essential Vocabulary 🎙️ Let’s begin with some essential vocabulary. This unit is divided into three categories: Family Members, Honorific Expressions, and Others. Family Members Here are common words for family members: • 가족 – Family • 할아버지 – Grandfather (paternal) • 할머니 – Grandmother (paternal) • 외할아버지 – Grandfather (maternal) • 외할머니 – Grandmother (maternal) • 아버지 – Father • 아빠 – Dad • 어머니 – Mother • 엄마 – Mom • 여자 – Woman • 언니 – Older sister (female speaker) • 오빠 – Older brother (female speaker) • 남자 – Man • 형 – Older brother (male speaker) • 누나 – Older sister (male speaker) • 남동생 – Younger brother • 여동생 – Younger sister Honorific Expressions These are common honorific forms in Korean: • 이름 / 성함 – Name • 나이 / 연세 – Age • 생일 / 생신 – Birthday • 명 / 분 – Person (counting unit) • 있다 / 계시다 – To be/exist • 먹다, 마시다 / 드시다, 잡수시다 – To eat, to drink • 자다 / 주무시다 – To sleep • 죽다 / 돌아가시다 – To die/pass away • 말하다 / 말씀하시다 – To speak/say Others • 부모님 – Parents • 초등학생 – Elementary school student • 중학생 – Middle school student • 고등학생 – High school student 🎙️ Make sure to remember these words, as they will help you describe your family and interact politely with others! ________________________________________ Key Phrases to Practice 🎙️ Now, let’s practice some useful phrases for talking about family and using honorifics: Talking About Family Members 1. 가족이 몇 명이에요? (How many family members do you have?) – 네 명이에요. 아버지, 어머니, 여동생이 있어요. (Four. Father, mother, and younger sister.) 2. 언니가 있어요? (Do you have an older sister?) – 네, 한 명 있어요. (Yes, I have one.) Asking About Activities (Honorifics) 3. 할머니가 지금 뭐 하세요? (What is grandmother doing now?) – 책을 읽으세요. (She’s reading a book.) 4. 김 선생님은 지금 뭐 하세요? (What is Teacher Kim doing now?) – 선생님은 지금 한국어를 가르치세요. (The teacher is teaching Korean.) Using Honorific Locations and Activities 5. 이분은 김 선생님이세요. 김 선생님은 한국어를 가르치세요. (This is Teacher Kim. Teacher Kim teaches Korean.) 6. 할머니가 방에 계세요. 할머니가 주무세요. (Grandmother is in the room. She is sleeping.) Expressing Preferences and Contrast 7. 한국어 공부가 어때요? (How is studying Korean?) – 한국어가 어렵지만 재미있어요. (Korean is difficult but interesting.) 8. 오빠는 회사원이지만 저는 학생이에요. (My older brother is an office worker, but I am a student.) 🎙️ These phrases are great for discussing family and learning how to use honorifics in real-life conversations. ________________________________________ Quiz Time! First question: How would you say, “How many family members do you have?” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 가족이 몇 명이에요? Next question: How would you say, “What does your grandmother do in her free time?” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 할머니가 여가 시간에 뭐 하세요? Final question: How would you say, “My father is a doctor, but I am a student” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 아버지는 의사지만 저는 학생이에요. 🎙️ How did you do? Keep practicing these sentences to build your confidence in Korean! ________________________________________ Conclusion 🎙️ That’s all for today’s episode on Unit 10 – Family Relations and Korean Honorifics. In this lesson, you’ve learned essential vocabulary, phrases, and honorific expressions that will help you talk about your family and communicate respectfully in Korean. 🎙️ Thank you for listening, and as always, happy studying!
  • KIIP 1: Unit 9–Essential Words and Phrases about Weekend Activities
    🎙️ Welcome to the Self-study Korean Podcast, your guide to mastering Korean language and culture. In today’s episode, we’ll explore Unit 9, where we focus on weekend activities. By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to talk about weekend activities, from relaxing at home to visiting markets or spending time with friends in Korean. ________________________________________ Visit our website for more details: KIIP Level 1: Unit 9–Essential Words and Phrases about Weekend Activities https://www.koreantopik.com/2024/11/kiip-level-1-unit-9essential-words-and.html ________________________________________ Essential Vocabulary 🎙️ First, let’s review some essential vocabulary. This unit is divided into two categories: Weekend Activities and Places & Activities. Weekend Activities Here are some things you might do on a weekend: • 집에서 쉬다 – Rest at home • 청소를 하다 – Clean • 빨래를 하다 – Do laundry • 축구를 하다 – Play soccer • 산에 가다 – Go to the mountain • 산책하다 – Take a walk • 친구를 만나다 – Meet friends • 아르바이트를 하다 – Work part-time • 한국어를 배우다 – Learn Korean Places & Activities Now, let’s explore some places and what you can do there: • 공원 – Park • 자전거를 타다 – Ride a bicycle • 공놀이를 하다 – Play ball • 시장 – Market • 과일을 사다 – Buy fruits • 신발을 사다 – Buy shoes • 백화점 – Department store • 쇼핑하다 – Shop • 저녁을 먹다 – Have dinner • 카페 – Cafe • 이야기를 하다 – Talk • 차를 마시다 – Drink tea • 집 – Home • 식사를 하다 – Eat a meal • 텔레비전을 보다 – Watch TV • 회사 – Company • 일하다 – Work • 전화를 받다 – Answer a call 🎙️ These words will help you describe your weekend and talk about your favorite activities! ________________________________________ Key Phrases to Practice 🎙️ Let’s move on to some key phrases you can use to talk about your weekends: Talking About Weekend Plans 1. 주말에 뭐 해요? (What do you do on the weekend?) – 한국어를 배워요. (I learn Korean.) 2. 지난 주말에 뭐 했어요? (What did you do last weekend?) – 시장에서 갔어요. (I went to the market.) 3. 어제 뭐 했어요? (What did you do yesterday?) – 드라마를 봤어요. 재미있었어요. (I watched a drama. It was fun.) Expressing Preferences 4. 무슨 운동을 좋아해요? (What sports do you like?) – 저는 수영을 좋아해요. 축구도 좋아해요. (I like swimming. I also like soccer.) 5. 시장에서 뭘 샀어요? (What did you buy at the market?) – 포도를 샀어요. 수박도 샀어요. (I bought grapes. I also bought a watermelon.) 🎙️ Practice these phrases to confidently share your plans and preferences! ________________________________________ Quiz Time! 🎙️ Alright, it’s Quiz Time! Let’s test your knowledge with a quick quiz based on what we’ve learned today. I’ll say a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Korean. I’ll pause after each question to give you some time to think. Ready? Let’s go! First question: How would you say, “I rested at home last weekend” in Korean? Next question: How would you say, “I bought apples and also oranges at the market” in Korean?Final question: Create a sentence using -았/었- to describe an activity you did yesterday. 🎙️ How did you do? Remember, practice makes perfect! 🎙️ The answer is: 1. 저는 지난 주말에 집에서 쉬었어요. 2. 저는 시장에서 사과를 샀어요. 오렌지도 샀어요. 3. 저는 어제 카페에서 차를 마셨어요. ________________________________________ Conclusion 🎙️ That’s all for today’s episode on Unit 9 – Weekend Activities. With these words, phrases, and expressions, you’ll be ready to talk about your weekend plans, describe past events, and share your preferences in Korean. 🎙️ Be sure to review this lesson and practice using these phrases in real-life conversations. Don’t forget to visit KoreanTopik.com for more learning resources, and stay tuned for our next episode. 🎙️ Thank you for listening, and happy studying!

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About Self-Study Korean Podcasts for Beginners - KIIP Level 1

Welcome to Self-Study Korean Podcasts for Beginners - KIIP Level 1, the ultimate podcast for beginners learning Korean! In this 18-episode series, we’ll guide you through the essential vocabulary, phrases, and grammar needed to start speaking Korean confidently. Whether you’re a complete beginner or refreshing your basics, this series covers everything from introductions, daily activities, and essential conversation skills. Each episode breaks down key concepts in a clear, easy-to-understand way, with practical tips and quizzes to reinforce your learning. Join us today at koreantopik.com
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