Weekly sermons from the esteemed evangelist and Bible teacher Rico Tice.
The Bible Explored is created in partnership by Premier and Christianity Explored.
As a young boy rushes out to live his life of freedom, he finds himself running headlong into disaster. Rico brings the story of the prodigal son bang up to date.
Radical Service
Modern day business scams may seem a far cry from life in the time of Christ, but Rico shows us that dodgy dealing is clearly set out in Luke 16
Inside Out Living
The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is unpacked by Rico to show how we can be afraid to expose what's inside us, whilst presenting a good exterior to others.
Can I Be Forgiven?
If ever we feel a sense of moral superiority because we go to church, Rico shows very plainly that even the most morally upright people need to be forgiven.
Can I Be Raised From The Dead?
What's the purpose of life? What's the point of living if everything ends with death? Rico shows why knowing the answer to death changes everything.
Weekly sermons from the esteemed evangelist and Bible teacher Rico Tice.
The Bible Explored is created in partnership by Premier and Christianity Explored.
For more Christian podcasts head to the website premier.plus or download the Premier Plus app.
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