The mind bending story of philosopher Sir Francis Bacon: the smartest and most influential person who ever lived. Known as the father of modern science, he was ...
Ep. 18 A Midsummer Nights MK-Ultra: WE ARE SPIRITS OF ANOTHER SORT- The Control Of The Dreaming Mind
Come into the forest of allusion and the poetry of esoteric alchemy. Have a look into A Midsummer Night’s Dream and let's see what’s hidden there. Part 1If Bacon is Oberon, who the Puck is Puck? Tavistock? Allen Dulles? Baby Jesus was saved by dreams. A Series of Dreams. A dream where the umbrella was folded. Know your dreams. Website The Hidden Life Is BestSubstackFilm Version of the play- 1968: with a very young Helen Mirren, Judi Dench and Diana Rigg CIA MIND CONTROL- MK-ULTRA Fuseli painting in the Tate Britain called Titania and Bottom CIA LSD Experiments Hypnotism by George Estabrooks A MUST READ!
Episode 17 The Gnostic Romeo and Juliet: Sex, Death, Violence and Vampires
Romeo and Juliet is possibly the most famous and popular play of all time- it's filled with death, not love and there is barely any romance! I make a detailed scene by scene case that this play is hiding a horror movie. LINKSEpisode 10 of The Hidden Life Is Best Evidence for Bacon as Shakespeare Promus notebook Cantor lecture ROMEO AND JULIET 1976 The Birth Of A Religion Freemasonry & Scotland. Simulation and Dissimulation Essay by Francis BaconTrans-agenda as TOTALITARIAN Torah Jews Against Zionism Ophite homosexuality "For they most strictly forbid all intercourse with women, and in every other respect, as we have fully described, they do the same things as the eunuchs, the regular priests of Rhea"Elizabethan Stage and Pedophilia The Beausant AetherCzar
Episode 16 The Life and Death of Richard II and The History Plays Of Shakespeare As Propaganda
Show notes for Episode 16 Builders of Empire Annals Of Scientism Why Freemasonry Is A Religion Freemasonry Book Review Ryance/Jacobi Declaration Of Reasonable Doubt about Shakespeare Friends of Article V Constitutional Convention
Book Reviews on Freemasonry
Four books about Freemasonry reviewed: (The next Shakespeare play I will do a deep dive on is King Henry IV Part 1) 1. Builders Of Empire (2012). The first scholarly book ever written on the link between the British Empire and Freemasonry. Historian Jessica Harland-Jacobs provides overwhelming evidence that Freemasonry in many ways ACTUALLY CREATED THE EMPIRE. Not anti-masonry by any means. FREEMASONRY and SCIENTISM and CS Lewis discussed, separately. That’s the book I am writing! Thanks to all you Patrons for your help and support. Please consider becoming a Patron at 2. Born In Blood- (1989) The book that broke the dam and showed unequivocally that Masonry came right out of the Knights Templar via Scotland, by independent historian John Robinson. Pro-masonry. 3. The New Jerusalem - (2002) Rebuilding London, The Great Fire, Christopher Wren and the Royal Society. The Brit elite and ancient Troy, Ancient Rome and Ancient Jerusalem. WHOA. Pro British. 4. The Transformation Of Freemasonry. “The Revolution Of The World” (2010) by Freemason David Harrison. Freemasonry and slavery. Pro-masonry. All solid works of history with little speculation. Just the facts ma’am. Great stuff and how Francis Bacon fits into all of it. Graphics and Transcript at link below . Please consider becoming a Patreon
Episode 15- What's Race Got To Do With It? Shakespeare, Homosexuality and Othello:The Empire As Iago 1hr
Sydney Poitier, the most famous Black American actor of the 1950’s and 1960’s refused to play the part of Othello. He refused to play a black man who was a dupe. (0:00) First, a review of the Authorship Hoax…after 400 years the world has finally discovered that William of Stratford did not write the most famous plays of all time. What does the hoax mean? More on Francis Bacon. (19:33) Auguste Dupin Society of Edgar Allen Poe Discernment (54:00) Homosexuality and Shakespeare, with a look at “Venus and Adonis” the first poem ever printed under the Shakespeare name. Venus and Adonis is an Ancient Greek myth - how did ShakesBacon change the story for his poem? Why did he change it? Just for laughs? (1:19:30) New evidence of rampant pedophilia in the Elizabethan and Jacobean theater scene. With young boys playing all the female roles, are we surprised? Why did the Puritans close the theaters after the English Civil War? (1:26:00) New York Review Of Books Fintan O’Toole on Shakespeare (1:38:13) Edmund Spenser (1:42:02) Finally, an analysis of “The Tragedy Of Othello”. It’s not about Othello and it’s not really about Race. It’s about the power of super liar and most evil character in all of literature® - Iago. + Gnostic hatred of women again? (2:12:00) Then- Iago as symbol of Brit Empire geopolitics: the lead-up to the tragedy of World War One. A Freemason killed ArchDuke Ferdinand and a Freemason declared war on Germany (2:22:50) Iago as psychopath (2:24:39) Iago Diplomacy. The Roundtable. Cecil Rhodes as psychopath (2:19:15) Name of book mentioned is “The Secret Society: Cecil John Rhodes’s Plans for a New World Order”. link below. Rhodes as Psychopath 2:42:00 Outro 2:43:00 James Brown Outro “It’s A Man’s World” Exploitation of Elizabethan child actors revealed Banksy: British Intelligence Psy-Op? The Superpower of the Conman Venus and Adonis: A. C. Hamilton Studies in English Literature Iago Psychoanalytically Motivated Pedophilia in Upper Classes in England- Time Magazine The History Boys film The Secret Society: Cecil John Rhodes’s Plans for a New World Order Conjuring Hitler Hidden History Of Word War 1 US Cecil Rhodes - Confessions Of Faith Of Simulation and Dissimulation (I Am Not What I Am) By Francis Bacon Summary Shakespearean critic A. C. Bradley said that "evil has nowhere else been portrayed with such mastery as in the evil character of Iago", and also states that he "stands supreme among Shakespeare's evil characters because the greatest intensity and subtlety of imagination have gone into his making." The mystery surrounding Iago's actual motives continues to intrigue readers and fuel scholarly debate. Hypnosis- Girls turned into chickens Confused Into A Trance: Confusion Hypnosis Induction Example and Explanation Diana Price Shakespeare's Unothodox Biography HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Eleanor Prosser Shakespeare and Revenge
The mind bending story of philosopher Sir Francis Bacon: the smartest and most influential person who ever lived. Known as the father of modern science, he was heavily involved with Freemasonry and the Rosicrucians, the writing of Shakespeare and the beginning and structure of the English Empire. He was also Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England and many believe he was the secret son of the Virgin Queen, Elizabeth the1st. The straangest story ever told.