In this podcast, Matt and Emma Back discuss the goal of worship and how it should shape the lives of individuals who feel called to this arena of ministry. They also share on the upcoming release of the first every Ramp School of Worship album.
How to live Pure in a Pornified World
Our culture is inundated with messages that rage against purity. How do we live pure in a pornified world? In this podcast we’ll equip you with spiritual and natural tools to live pure without compromise or condemnation.
Being a Christian in Today's World
Hosts: Julie and Brett RaynerFollowing Jesus isn’t easy always easy, but following Jesus is always worth it. There’s a reason the message of the Gospel is called good news. There’s a reason that message is still called good news today. If you’ve been struggling to follow Jesus, listen to this podcast and be encouraged today.
Preparing for Your Purpose
We’re at the start of the new year. People are making goals, creating bucket list, and planning for the future, but are they preparing for their purpose? How can we, as students and young adults, prepare ourselves to fulfill our purpose? Listen to this podcast and find out.