Brought to you by the founder of The SAGE Method, Isabeau "Beau" Maxwell shares weekly lessons in intuitive living. Isabeau is a Lighthouse Teacher, lighting yo...
#94 How to Master Your Energetic Body for Spiritual Growth
Your energy body is always working, helping you sense the energy of people and places before you even see or hear anything. When you take time to protect and nurture it, you strengthen your intuition and move through life with more confidence.
#93 Understanding Your Soul's Blueprint: From Trauma to Transformation
Some life chapters feel tougher than others because your soul carefully chose each experience to help you grow. Challenges aren’t punishments—they’re sacred opportunities for transformation. Instead of asking, "Why is this happening to me?" try, "What is my soul teaching me?" Embrace the full spectrum of life with grace, knowing you're exactly where you’re meant to be. Trust your soul’s wisdom.
Genuine spiritual growth is cultivated by fully embracing every aspect of our humanity—our pain, struggles, and imperfections—as essential stepping stones to deeper healing and self-discovery.
#91 Animal Spirit Guides Explained: How Pets Connect to the Spiritual Realm
Animals are powerful intuitive guides, often offering subtle messages and energetic support on your spiritual journey. By staying open to their behaviors, timing, and energy, you can deepen your intuition and uncover meaningful insights for your growth.
#90 Intuitive Development Secrets: Why Predictions Fail & How to Improve
Your intuition is one of your greatest tools, yet it can seem unclear when your opinions, desires, and fears muddy its message. In reality, intuition is simple and focused solely on what is—not what you wish to be. When seeking guidance, pause, take a deep breath, and set aside your biases. Ask yourself, "What’s the truth here?" This step helps create space for your inner voice to speak clearly.
About The Intuitive SAGE Podcast with Isabeau Maxwell
Brought to you by the founder of The SAGE Method, Isabeau "Beau" Maxwell shares weekly lessons in intuitive living. Isabeau is a Lighthouse Teacher, lighting your way to your empowerment, one intuitive tool at a time. This podcast is all about intuitive development, increasing those fantastic synchronicities in your life, and really living and creating the bliss that is there for you on your spiritual path. Welcome! Jump on in and have some fun!