Historian Turtle Bunbury explores the lives of those men and women, great and otherwise, whose journeys - whether driven by faith, a desire for riches and adven...
The incredible tale of the tempestuous Sligo-born dancer who seduced Franz Liszt and brought King Ludwig of Bavaria crashing down before embarking upon a new life running a saloon for gold miners in California.
The Incredible Mr (Arthur) Kavanagh (1831-1889)
The limbless nobleman from County Carlow who became one of the most astonishing travellers in history.
Nellie Cashman (1845 – 1925)
The Cork woman who befriended Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday, and became known as the ‘Angel of the Cassiar’ after a daring rescue operation in British Columbia.
Ernest Shackleton (1874 –1922)
The Kildare-born sailor, one of the most remarkable explorers of all time, whose heroic exploits in Antarctica have inspired people for over a hundred years.
Hercules Mulligan
The Irish tailor and Patriot spy who saved George Washington’s life … twice.
Historian Turtle Bunbury explores the lives of those men and women, great and otherwise, whose journeys - whether driven by faith, a desire for riches and adventure, or purely for survival - have left their mark on the wider world.