Catholic ReCon exists to help reverts, converts, and cradle Catholics boldly share their Christian testimonies, defend the teachings of the Church, and expose e...
How a Protestant Pastor was Changed by an Ordination and the Holy Bible
In this week's episode of Catholic ReCon, testimonies from reverts and converts, guest Kenny Burchard of Catholic Bible Highlights @KennyBurchard shares his phenomenal testimony in lay terms, advocating for an in-depth study of the Catholic faith. He discusses adoption, his years discerning the Mormon faith, meeting born-again Christians, being ordained as a Foursquare Pastor, asking the hard questions, and doing whatever it takes to follow Jesus. ▶Kenny's Purgatory Book: #Pastor #Testimony #Catholic #Faith #Church #HolyBible #Bible #Purgatory #Jesus #Christ #Christian ▶To support this channel, visit🔔 SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CONVERSION STORIES: @CatholicReCon Conversion stories are shared weekly. If you'd like to share your personal testimony, please fill out the form here: Wherever you are on the journey, God bless you. For more information, visit
Why a Reformed Evangelical Returned to the Catholic Church
In this week's episode of Catholic ReCon, testimonies from reverts and converts, guest Aaron Althoff shares a REMARKABLE journey of perseverance, faith, and truth seeking. Aaron unapologetically gets real and raw about the struggles of finding truth, understanding salvation, and allowing evidence and grace to lead the way. In the middle of his often confusing path, Aaron brilliantly said:"I’m not going to put my salvation and the salvation of my family on the line based on some subjective feeling I had." No, instead he dug and dug and dug for the truth. What he found surprised and humbled him.#Catholic #Protestant #Testimony #Conversion #Faith #Charity #Love #Grace #Bible #Unity #Truth #Augustine #LittleFlower▶To support this channel, visit🔔 SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CONVERSION STORIES: @CatholicReCon Conversion stories are shared weekly. If you'd like to share your personal testimony, please fill out the form here: Wherever you are on the journey, God bless you. For more information, visit
19 Years in a Cult: A Catholic Reversion Testimony
In this week's episode of Catholic ReCon, testimonies from reverts and converts, guest Julia Biagiarelli discusses her Catholic upbringing, her teenage rebellion, her very smart decision as a young adult, her new age experiences (Reiki, Kundalini Yoga, Tarot cards, Psychics, etc.), years of manipulation, a promise to become a deacon and priest, a Chinese divination tool, transmutation, and much more. When all seemed lost and confusing, God very clearly made Himself known and reminded Julia how much he loves her. #Catholic #Testimony #Interview #Faith #Love #Charity #Eucharist #Confession #Escape #Freedom #Video #Bible #Church #Cult ▶To support this channel, visit🔔 SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CONVERSION STORIES: @CatholicReCon Conversion stories are shared weekly. If you'd like to share your personal testimony, please fill out the form here: Wherever you are on the journey, God bless you. For more information, visit
From the Crack House to God's House | A Return to the Catholic Church Propelled by Stigmata Footage
In this week's episode of Catholic ReCon, testimonies from reverts and converts, guest Tim Francis of details one of the most fascinating journeys I've ever heard. From drugs and parties to late-night apologetic meetings and Bible studies, Tim's raw, honest, and grace-filled story is a testament to God's love! In this story, God used Tim's ceaselessly-praying mother, the Sacraments, St. Michael, and other means along the way. ▶TIM'S AMAZING BOOK: #Megachurch #Protestant #Testimony #Drugs #Testimony #StMichael #Apologetics #Caritas #Conversion #Addiction ▶To support this channel, visit🔔 SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CONVERSION STORIES: @CatholicReCon Conversion stories are shared weekly. If you'd like to share your personal testimony, please fill out the form here: Wherever you are on the journey, God bless you. For more information, visit
It Took 72 Years: A Catholic Conversion Story
In this week's episode of Catholic ReCon, testimonies from reverts and converts, guest Edmund Weiner from Oxford, England discusses a childhood with virtually no religion, reading Chesterton's Orthodoxy and attending an Anglican church as a teenager, being exposed to charismatic movements and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, struggles in marriage, church scandals, his lovely wife, the beauty of life, JPII, Padre Pio, and much more! Edmund's conversion story is a beautiful testament to God's unending signs of love.
#Catholic #Evangelical #Anglican #Testimony #Faith #Death #Love #Holy #Spirit #Spiritual #Christian
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Conversion stories are shared weekly. If you'd like to share your personal testimony, please fill out the form here:
Wherever you are on the journey, God bless you.
For more information, visit
Catholic ReCon exists to help reverts, converts, and cradle Catholics boldly share their Christian testimonies, defend the teachings of the Church, and expose enemy tactics which keep others from answering the Lord's call. Join me every week to hear Catholic Christian conversion stories, covering topics such as: RCIA and OCIA, apostolic succession, the Holy Eucharist, ecumenical councils, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the 7 Sacraments, the Papacy, the Protestant Reformation, and many other areas of interest.
Wherever you are on the journey, God bless you.
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