Dharma talks from monastics at Clear Mountain, an aspiring Buddhist Forest monastery in the greater Seattle area. The Forest Tradition represents a return to th...
In this talk, Ajahn Nisabho speaks about the two levels of Right View taught by the Buddha, and how holding both allows us to honor the conditioned realm while also looking beyond it, both in terms of personal practice and social identity. Additionally, the Buddha provides us with a different paradigm for what constitutes true privilege in life, complicating current cultural narratives.
Tune in with fellow practitioners for Clear Mountain’s weekly online and hybrid events!
- Wednesday Evening Teaching & Discussion (6:00 – 7:30 pm PT, YouTube then Zoom)
- Saturday Morning Meditation, Teaching, & Coffee Social (9:30 - 11 am PT, Online & In-Person)
- Sunday Evening “Mission Majjhima!” Sutta Teaching & Discussion (5:00 - 6 pm PT, Online)
See https://www.clearmountainmonastery.org/ or visit https://linktr.ee/clear_mountain_monastery for details. Welcome!
A Foam-Lump, a Bubble, and a Magician Walk Into a Mirage | Ajahns Kovilo & Nisabho
In this session, Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho answer questions about the five aggregates (khandhas) of form, feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness, specifically addressing the Pheṇa Sutta (SN 22.95) in which the Buddha says that:
1. form (rūpa) is like a lump of foam
2. feeling (vedana) is like water bubble from a raindrop landing in water
3. perception (saññā) is like a mirage,
4. mental formations (saṅkhārā) are like a pithless plantain tree
5. consciousness (viññāṇa) is like a magician’s illusion at a crossroads.
Tune in with fellow practitioners for Clear Mountain’s weekly online and hybrid events!
- Wednesday Evening Teaching & Discussion (6:00 – 7:30 pm PT, YouTube then Zoom)
- Saturday Morning Meditation, Teaching, & Coffee Social (9:30 - 11 am PT, Online & In-Person)
- Sunday Evening “Mission Majjhima!” Sutta Teaching & Discussion (5:00 - 6 pm PT, Online)
See https://www.clearmountainmonastery.org/ or visit https://linktr.ee/clear_mountain_monastery for details. Welcome!
Unbounded Love—More Powerful than Anger | Ayya Niyyānika
In this talk, Ayya Niyyānika, speaks about how to cultivate a sense of care instead of aversion to the circumstances of the world.
My mind will not get bent out of shape
And no evil speech will I spew
With kind care
And continued warm heart
No anger inside
Is the way to go in all situations.
Ayyā Niyyānika's Bio:
Ayyā Niyyānika is a fully ordained Buddhist monastic in the Theravada tradition. Ayya uses they/them pronouns. They received their initial monastic training within the Dhammadharini community from 2014 through 2019 and then was with the Aloka Vihara community for three years. The past year and a bit have been a time of travel, integration, and deepening in practice. They visited a variety of monastic and lay communities in the West and in Asia, taking time for retreat and study as well as community involvement. To learn more, visit https://passaddhivihara.org/ .
Tune in with fellow practitioners for Clear Mountain’s weekly online and hybrid events!
- Wednesday Evening Teaching & Discussion (6:00 – 7:30 pm PT, YouTube then Zoom)
- Saturday Morning Meditation, Teaching, & Coffee Social (9:30 - 11 am PT, Online & In-Person)
- Sunday Evening “Mission Majjhima!” Sutta Teaching & Discussion (5:00 - 6 pm PT, Online)
See https://www.clearmountainmonastery.org/ or visit https://linktr.ee/clear_mountain_monastery for details. Welcome!
Coming Back! Different Dialects, Same Dhamma | Bhante Rāhula
In this session, Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho interview Bhante Rāhula of Paññābhūmi Monastery, Guadalajara, Mexico. To learn more about Bhante Rāhula and support Paññābhūmi Monastery:
- email: [email protected]
- join Bhante's WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JEQSFwwuKwl83yQcUT1Bkw
(Dhamma sharing in Spanish)
- join Bhante's every Sunday Zoom meeting at 7am Mountain Time: https://zoom.us/j/7426068348?pwd=c3BqT3dNcnkxcFFwVFQvNkRnUHlTQT09 (ID: 7426068348; Contraseña: metta)
(Dhamma sharing in Spanish)
- visit Bhante's YouTube Channel (chiefly Spanish): https://www.youtube.com/c/Anatom%C3%ADadelaMenteAbhidhamma
- watch the video of Paññabhumi Monastery: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xjy8qq4k7od0v28siq2yl/PB-PINDAPATA.mov?rlkey=ni2kjcgakko6q8l7zz2pt0nn7&st=aot1feug&dl=0
- retreat in Houston: May 23rd-26th
Bhante Rāhula's bio:
Bhante Rāhula, born in Mexico, has spent the last 22 years in Asia in various periods, where he has practiced and studied the Dhamma.He was ordained in Myanmar by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa, who is his preceptor. Since 2004 he has received meditation guidance from Sayadaw U Tejaniya. For 6 years, Bhante studied Suttas and Abhidhamma with Sayadaw Dr. Ukkamsacara in Macau. In 2019, he completed a course on Buddhist scriptures from Harvard University.
The link to the 6:45-7:30 pm Zoom session following the livestream may be found on the event listing at https://www.clearmountainmonastery.org/events/wednesday/.
Tune in with fellow practitioners for Clear Mountain’s weekly online and hybrid events!
- Wednesday Evening Teaching & Discussion (6:00 – 7:30 pm PT, YouTube then Zoom)
- Saturday Morning Meditation, Teaching, & Coffee Social (9:30 - 11 am PT, Online & In-Person)
- Sunday Evening “Mission Majjhima!” Sutta Teaching & Discussion (5:00 - 6 pm PT, Online)
See https://www.clearmountainmonastery.org/ or visit https://linktr.ee/clear_mountain_monastery for details. Welcome!
How to Buddhist Habits: Gaming the Habit Loops of Dependent Origination | Ajahn Kovilo
In this session, recorded on New Year's Eve 2024 as part of the Clear Mountain New Year's Vigil, Ajahn Kovilo reflects on insights gained from the book "Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones" by James Clear and how they can support our practice of generosity, ethics, and wisdom. Ajahn Kovilo introduces the "habit loop" of Cue, Craving, Response, Reward, and the mnemonic frameworks of:
- OAES (always) making the Noble Eightfold Path: Obvious, Attractive, Easy, & Satisfying! and
- NEVR (never) practicing the craving that leads to dukkha by making bad habits: Non-obvious, Eerie, Vexing, & Repulsive!
Tune in with fellow practitioners for Clear Mountain’s weekly online and hybrid events!
- Wednesday Evening Teaching & Discussion (6:00 – 7:30 pm PT, YouTube then Zoom)
- Saturday Morning Meditation, Teaching, & Coffee Social (9:30 - 11 am PT, Online & In-Person)
- Sunday Evening “Mission Majjhima!” Sutta Teaching & Discussion (5:00 - 6 pm PT, Online)
See https://www.clearmountainmonastery.org/ or visit https://linktr.ee/clear_mountain_monastery for details. Welcome!
Dharma talks from monastics at Clear Mountain, an aspiring Buddhist Forest monastery in the greater Seattle area. The Forest Tradition represents a return to the simple way of life taught by the Buddha. Monastics aspire to live as the early disciples did: dwelling in the forest, studying the teachings, and devoting themselves to meditation. To learn more, visit https://www.clearmountainmonastery.org.
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