Days of Praise is a podcast based on the Institute for Creation Research quarterly print devotional, Days of Praise. Start your day with devotional readings wri...
“And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.” (Genesis 2:8)
This was the world’s first garden, an... More...
Signs of Christmas
“Moreover the LORD spoke again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.” (More...
First Advent Names
“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)
Matthew records two nam... More...
Praise from the Creation
“Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and every thing that moveth therein.” (Psalm 69:34)
We may not yet understand the full purpose of God in creation, but at least one aspect of tha... More...
Going and Returning
“I will go down with thee into Egypt; and I will also surely bring thee up again: and Joseph shall put his hand upon thine eyes.” (Genesis 46:4)
Imagine the turmoil Jacob must have felt when h... More...
Days of Praise is a podcast based on the Institute for Creation Research quarterly print devotional, Days of Praise. Start your day with devotional readings written by Dr. Henry Morris, Dr. Henry Morris III, and Dr. John Morris to strengthen and encourage you in your Christian faith.
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