Delafé Testimonies is a global project founded by Mission Delafe, a non-profit organization, whose mission is to accurately represent the heart of God. The miss...
I Was Bound By Homosexuality, Drugs, and Depression Until JESUS Did This...
Support our channel & Become a Partner ⇨ Listen on Podcast Spotify Podcast ⇨ Podcast ⇨ with us with Jordan: Facebook ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ https://www.jordanwells.orgLinktree ⇨ by Jordan WellsDirected by Eric Villatoro Interviewed by Eric VillatoroEdited By Joshua GayleAudio Mixed by Paul Nicholas Testimony Recorded in MarylandDelafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world's largest archive of Jesus testimonies until His return. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.Chapters00:00 Trigger Warning00:20 A Rough Childhood03:04 Sexual Abuse as a Child Leads to Perversion07:04 More Perversion, ADHD, and Turmoil at Home09:00 Homosexual Desires Increase While Having a Girlfriend14:45 Partying, Drugs and Depression17:14 God Starts Speaking to Me21:44 Running from the Call of God On My Life23:46 The Near Death Experience that Changed My Life27:55 Giving My Life to Jesus31:52 Going Through Deliverance37:47 Freedom from Homosexuality is Possible! 43:24 Who is Jesus To You?48:09 Prayer51:33 Final WordsI Was Bound By Homosexuality, Drugs, and Depression Until JESUS Did This...Jordan Wells Testimony
I Couldn't Break Free from Weed and Depression Until Jesus Did This!
Support our channel & Become a Partner ⇨ Listen on Podcast Spotify Podcast ⇨ Podcast ⇨ with us with Samantha: Instagram ⇨ with V1 Church:Website ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ by Samantha KingDirected by Eric Villatoro Interviewed by Eric VillatoroEdited By Joshua GayleAudio Mixed by Paul Nicholas Testimony Recorded in MarylandDelafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world's largest archive of Jesus testimonies until His return. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.Chapters00:00 Growing Up in the Bronx, NY01:50 Moving to Upstate New York at Age 1203:11 Tumultuous High School Years04:52 Diving Deeper into Partying, Drinking and Drugs in College08:54 Looking for Purpose, Exploring Philosophy12:38 My First Demonic Encounter16:54 Loneliness, Suicidal Thoughts, and Crying Out to God19:16 God Answers24:13 The Lord Begins Convicting Me31:19 Mental Health Struggles Continue While Following Jesus34:33 God Blesses Me With a New Job37:22 Receiving a Prophetic Word, Still Struggling41:03 Falling Back into Smoking44:49 Leaving Church, Going Back to Old Habits47:48 Desiring Freedom After God Does THIS For Me…52:08 Deliverance and Restoration55:26 How I Know I’ll Never Go Back55:57 Who is Jesus To You?56:58 Prayer59:38 Final Words1:00:42 One Last QuestionI Couldn't Break Free from Weed and Depression Until Jesus Did This!Samantha King Testimony
I Was Creating Music for the Devil Until Jesus Said This to Me...😳
Support our channel & Become a Partner ⇨ Listen on Podcast Spotify Podcast ⇨ Podcast ⇨ with us with Childlike CiCi: Email ⇨ [email protected] ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ Text Community ⇨ 704-387-3143Credits:Testimony by Childlike CiCiDirected by Eric Villatoro Interviewed by Eric VillatoroEdited By Joshua GayleAudio Mixed by Paul Nicholas Testimony Recorded in MarylandDelafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world's largest archive of Jesus testimonies until His return. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.Chapters00:00 Introduction02:11 A Tumultuous Childhood07:28 Starting to Hang With the Wrong Crowd 11:57 Toxic Relationships, Partying and the Fast Life15:45 Almost Losing My Life in a Car Crash19:01 Encountering God When I Was Younger20:57 Starting to Take Music Seriously25:25 Hearing God’s Voice for the First Time31:05 Leaving Everything Behind to Follow Jesus 33:46 Growing In My Relationship with Jesus37:01 God Calls Me to Make Music Again41:37 Finding True Purpose and Fulfillment in Jesus 43:51 Who is Jesus To You?45:31 My Relationship with My Siblings Today47:03 Prayer49:48 To the Couple that Ran the Bible Studies With Free Pizza51:13 Final WordsI Was Creating Music for the Devil Until Jesus Said This to Me...😳Childlike CiCi Testimony
Former Gay Man 🏳️🌈 Speaks Out! (Must Watch)
Support our channel & Become a Partner ⇨ Listen on Podcast Spotify Podcast ⇨ Podcast ⇨ with us with Rashad:Instagram ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ by Rashad VerméDirected by Eric Villatoro Interviewed by Eric VillatoroEdited By Joshua GayleAudio Mixed by Paul Nicholas Testimony Recorded in MarylandDelafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world's largest archive of Jesus testimonies until His return. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.Chapters00:00 Trigger Warning00:19 Introduction02:31 Growing Up in a Christian Home 03:06 Mimicking Drag Queens on TV As a Child05:19 Being Bullied By Other Boys in School 07:46 Hiding My Perversion Behind Basketball10:04 Secret Homosexual Relationships Behind Closed Doors at 1712:45 Dressing Like A Woman, Wanting to Become Transgender16:30 The Prayer That Changed Everything18:44 Giving My Life to Jesus After This Encounter22:25 Telling My Mom Everything I Had Done in My Past28:28 Overcoming Temptation30:46 God Begins to Use My Life 32:17 Meeting My Wife, Starting A Family 35:12 Seeing My Sister Give Her Life to Jesus40:31 My Relationship With My Parents Today 42:28 Who is Jesus To You?43:15 For Those Who Know Someone in the LGBTQ Community45:28 Gospel Invitation and Prayer 47:57 Final WordsFormer Gay Man 🏳️🌈 Speaks Out! (Must Watch)Rashad Vermé Testimony
I Was Running Away from GOD to Pursue a Rap Career, Until THIS Happened…😳
Support our channel & Become a Partner ⇨ Listen on Podcast Spotify Podcast ⇨ Podcast ⇨ with us with Noel:Instagram ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ [email protected]:Testimony by Noel CamachoDirected by Eric Villatoro Interviewed by Eric VillatoroEdited By Joshua GayleAudio Mixed by Paul Nicholas Testimony Recorded in MarylandDelafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world's largest archive of Jesus testimonies until His return. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.Chapters00:00 Introduction02:11 Growing Up in Newark, NJ07:22 Seeing My Mom Abused By Other Men10:31 God Ordained Moments13:23 Becoming a Father at 1516:22 Starting My Music Career18:51 Giving My Life to Jesus at 1723:27 Running Away from God to Pursue My Dreams28:16 Depression in the Midst of Fame, More Kids30:55 Losing My Fourth Child35:17 Crying Out to God Again, Going Back to Church39:47 Leaving Everything Behind to Follow Jesus45:47 God Begins Working in My Family54:27 Who is Jesus To You?55:43 Prayer59:17 Final WordsI Was Running Away from GOD to Pursue a Rap Career, Until THIS Happened…😳 Noel Camacho Testimony
Delafé Testimonies is a global project founded by Mission Delafe, a non-profit organization, whose mission is to accurately represent the heart of God. The mission of the Delafe Testimonies project is to create the world’s largest archive of Jesus' testimonies with the vision to save souls, build community, and set people free.