Join Rabbi Schneider as he shares revelation today inspiring a brighter tomorrow. To learn more visit our website at o...
Be Strong and Courageous: Confronting the Fears We Face
Are you afraid of what could happen in the future? Whatever we may face in life that would cause us to be afraid, the fear of man, sickness, sharing our faith or whatever we may encounter; We should never be afraid the future. In this episode Rabbi teaches strategies to declare war on fear showing us how to beat fear by taking God at His Word while making up our mind that we will be free from fear.
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Be Strong and Courageous: Why Fear is a Training Ground
Fear comes in many different appearances. Probably one of the greatest fears people deal with is the fear of “what's going to happen tomorrow”. In this episode Rabbi shares how the phenomenon of fear can be a great training ground and opportunity for us to rise out of the dust a trained warrior ready to overcome Satan and put him under your feet.
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Be Strong and Courageous: The Fear Factor
Does God want us to live in fear? There are real reasons to overcome fear – living in fear robs us from enjoying God’s presence. God wants us to stand up and throw fear off our lives and trust Him. In this episode Rabbi teaches us to break the power of fear so we can enjoy the fullness of everything He has promised.
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Be Strong and Courageous: Victory Over Fear
Many believers often fall short not realizing that what we do with fear will determine where they go in life. In this episode Rabbi Schneider teaches us to actively connect with God to strengthen ourselves with divine courage to overcome fear.
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Seeking the Higher Road
"For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:5-6).
Join Rabbi Schneider as he shares revelation today inspiring a brighter tomorrow. To learn more visit our website at or download the Rabbi Schneider App.