During a time when the nation was divided by North and South, two families along the Tug Fork River between Kentucky and West Virginia started a decades long feud that didn't end without the cost of lives, love and honor. For William Anderson "Devil Anse" Hatfield and Randolph "Old Ran'l" McCoy it was personal. The mythical story of these two families has been entertainment for years but the true story is much more heartbreaking and terrifying one in which many Appalachian folk still tells stories of today. Please note - this episode contains graphic content of violence and gore.*SHOW NOTES*The Bloody Feud of the Hatfields and McCoys – Legends of America7 Things You Didn’t Know About the Hatfields and McCoys | HISTORYThe Untold Truth Of The Hatfield-McCoy Feud (grunge.com)Hatfield-McCoy feud blamed on ‘rage’ disease (nbcnews.com)The true story of Johnse Hatfield and Roseanna McCoy (wordpress.com)Home - Hatfield & McCoy Foundation (hatfieldmccoyfoundation.org)Cover Art - Dave PrestonMusic - Courtesy of Pixabay
Survivor Stories of the Johnstown Flood
Many stories of survival are always shadowed in history by the actual event. For these men, women and children, they survived one of the greatest disasters to strike in the United States. These are some of the harrowing tales of survival during the Johnstown Flood of 1889.*SHOW NOTES*The Johnstown Area Heritage AssociationThe Johnstown Flood by David McCulloughAn American Doctor's Odyssey by Victor Heiser Thank you for listening. If you like what you hear, please like and subscribe to hear future episodes. And please follow us on Instagram at echoesfromhistorypod. Until next time. Cover Art - Dave PrestonMusic - Pixabay
The Johnstown Flood of 1889
For the citizens of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, the threat of flooding was very real if not a minor event that they had become used to. Unfortunately, the day of May 31, 1889 was a day like any other after the catastrophic failure of the South Fork Dam unleashed a fury unlike any other. The massive flood became one of the most devastating losses of human life in the United States. Thank you for listening. Please subscribe and follow for new episodes releasing bi-weekly. And please if you like what you hear, leave a review. Please also join us on Instagram for images related to the episode.Thank you for listening. Please subscribe and follow for new episodes releasing bi-weekly. And please if you like what you hear, leave a review. Please also join us on Instagram for images related to the episode.*SHOW NOTES*Johnstown Area Heritage Association - jaha.orgJohnstown Flood National Memorial - nps.gov/jofl/indexThe Johnstown Flood by David McCullough