St. Josemaría liked to say that, with Opus Dei, God had “opened up the divine paths of the earth.” In other words, God invites men and women of all walks of lif...
Ernesto Cofiño, a Guatemalan pediatrician, was in his mid-fifties when he joined Opus Dei. Ernesto worked tirelessly to remedy the problems of Guatamala’s marginalized indigenous population. He carried out a wide ranging personal apostolate with people from all walks of life and played a key role in founding and developing several apostolic activities of Opus Dei.
Resources to learn more about Ernesto Cofiño:
Website for His Cause of Canonization.
McDonough, Thomas A. No Small Goals: The Life of Dr. Ernesto Cofiño—Guatemalan Physician, Humanitarian, Pioneer in Pediatric Medicine and Servant of God. New York: Scepter, 2019. (Scepter Publishers, Amazon)
For more information about Opus Dei or to inquire about Opus Dei activities in your area, visit
You can buy the book "Encounters: Finding God in All Walks of Life" from Scepter Publishers or on Amazon.
Ed Dillett: Plumber
Ed Dillett was a plumber and the third married member of Opus Dei in the United States. Ed learned in Opus Dei to see plumbing as a way of coming closer to God and of bringing other people closer to him.
For more information about Opus Dei or to inquire about Opus Dei activities in your area, visit
You can buy the book "Encounters: Finding God in All Walks of Life" from Scepter Publishers or on Amazon.
Toni Zweifel: Foundation Executive
Toni Zweifel was an engineer who studied at the Swiss equivalent of MIT but spent most of his career directing a foundation he founded to support social projects in poor countries. The foundation mostly focused on projects for women. Toni’s cause of canonization began in 2000.
Resources to learn more about Toni Zweifel:
Website for His Cause of Canonization.
López Kindler, Agustín. Given to Others: The Life of Toni Zweifel. New York: Scepter, 2016. (Scepter Publishers, Amazon)
For more information about Opus Dei or to inquire about Opus Dei activities in your area, visit
You can buy the book "Encounters: Finding God in All Walks of Life" from Scepter Publishers or on Amazon.
Pepe Serret: Businessman
Pepe Serret was a businessman and the father of a large family. He had contagious good humor and an extraordinary capacity for friendship. He touched the lives of many people ranging from a gardener to the CEO of a company that competed with his.
Resources to learn more about Pepe Serret:
Raventos Artes, Lluis. Pepe Serret. Himno a la vida. Madrid: Palabra, 2000. (Amazon, in Spanish)
Rico, Octavio, and Juan Zandri, eds. Pepe Serret. Recuerdos de sus amigos. Lleida: Privately published, 1994. (Scribd, in Spanish)
For more information about Opus Dei or to inquire about Opus Dei activities in your area, visit
You can buy the book "Encounters: Finding God in All Walks of Life" from Scepter Publishers or on Amazon.
Montserrat Grases: Teenager
Montserrat Grases died in Barcelona of bone cancer at 17 years of age. Throughout her painful illness, Montse, as she was known to her family and friends, maintained a contagious cheerfulness and a focus on her friends and family rather than on herself. In a 2016 decree, Pope Francis confirmed that Montse had lived a life of heroic virtue and named her as venerable.
Resources to learn more about Venerable Montserrat Grases:
Website for Her Cause of Canonization.
Cejas, José Miguel. Like Any Other: A Girl Named Montse. New York: Scepter, 2016. (Scepter, Amazon)
Eguibar Galaraza, Mercedes. Montserrat Grases. Una vida sencilla. Madrid: Rialp, 2018. (Amazon, in Spanish)
For more information about Opus Dei or to inquire about Opus Dei activities in your area, visit
You can buy the book "Encounters: Finding God in All Walks of Life" from Scepter Publishers or on Amazon.
About Encounters: Finding God in All Walks of Life
St. Josemaría liked to say that, with Opus Dei, God had “opened up the divine paths of the earth.” In other words, God invites men and women of all walks of life to the fullness of Christian life while passionately loving the world in which we live. In this series, you will meet a handful of these men and women, ranging from an American plumber to a Swiss philanthropist and from a Spanish teenager with cancer to a Guatemalan pediatrician. In these stories, may we all be encouraged and inspired to live a life of deep faith, committed to our call to holiness through the means God has given us.