Fr. Barnabas returns to his program with an interview with Hank Hanegraaff, the president and Chairman of the Christian Research Institute and the author of Truth Matters, Life Matters More: The Unexpected Beauty of an Authentic Christian Life.
Halloween and Spiritual Warfare
On this episode, Fr. Barnabas welcomes Fr. Lawrence Farley, author of the Bible Study Companion series and teacher on the Coffee Cup Commentaries. They discuss demons, demonology, and Halloween.
Making Room for Everyone This Christmas
How should our parish communities live out the fullness of our Orthodox Faith by including and making a space for those who need a space in our worship that acknowledges their worth and our need to be a spiritual home for everyone? Fr. Barnabas talks with Summer Kinard, an author, a singer, and the mother of five autistic children. Then be sure to listen for a very special announcement from Fr. Barnabas in the second half of the show.
Led By His Love
On his last live show, Fr. Barnabas welcomes the brother and the son of Fr. Gordon Walker of blessed memory. Fr. Gordon was one of the founding leaders of the former Evangelical Orthodox Church. Led By His Love is Fr. Gordon's memoir, compiled and edited after his repose by his brother Phillip Walker, Phillip and Fr. Gordon's son Tom are the guests on the show.
The Evil Eye: I See You
Fr. Barnabas talks with Jonathan Pageau about the Evil Eye tradition in some Orthodox traditions. This was a pre-recorded program. You can find Jonathan's artwork and essays at the following two websites: and