3 weeks, 3 continents. It's been a mad few weeks, but we're back! Joined by Dream Beast and legend Peter French Toast Cassidy. We lost 45 minutes of mad chat... Probably for the best, we finished it off in Adelaide. This kind of chat won't be found on any other Irish podcast! Spread the word Lods! Enjoy the show! Tip a mawn! -> Paypal/hardybucksPatreon/Hardybucks
Eddie Chat Pod #4 - "Gorillas are strong dudes"
The ball of momentum is rolling. Time to Knock Joe rogan off his perch as podcast king.Alex jones Talks to Rogan. It's jam packed with a smörgås board of top quailty cerebral waffle. You'll have to listen to it to understand. Strap in and enjoy the full v8 Muscle car exoerience. If you like what you hear, please help spread the word. Share it with sound skins who get it. Support the show Patreon @HardybucksPaypal@maloneysdigest
Eddie chat pod #3 - McCain oven chips really care about your family
Later than expected... But delivered in time for your daily commute, or a welcome distraction from the boredom of work. The level of over production hasn't been seen since GNR's (1991) Use your illusions: Double Album. A rich tapestery of the high grade, class A waffle. From musing over movie posters to big buisness baddies. Sports Direct Air Max to chips. Bedsheets, ladies fashion and parlimentary wrongens. Too much pub talk to condense into just one blurb. Creator support:Patreon@Hardy Bucks Paypal/maloneysdigest
Eddie Chat pod #2 - The Good, The Bad, The Fool Hardy
Enter the fever dream, Stream of consiousness, as Eddie tries to tie in a multitude of topics into a red thred. Reflecting over a wide range of topics, from his detractors on Reddit to Alex Ferguson. Comparing Ryanairs business practices to dealers getting you hooked on samples, Hazardous driving conditions, Billionares, Gurus, film trivia, cars and the innappropriate use of scallions. Tips - Paypal/Maloneysdigest Patreon - Hardy bucks
Eddie's Chat Pod - Ep1: Begrudgement Day
It's been a long time coming baby! We're finally back in business. It's 2025 man! Where are the years going lad man? New year, new format! Eddie's chat pod part 1.You'll do awful well to find an Irish Podcast - that contains this degree of top drawer cerebral waffle. Perfect listening while working, driving, sitting on a plane, or drifting off to sleep in Bobo land... Sit back. Enjoy yourself. Straight from the top of the Dome. A touch of abosulte class. "This is the best podcast the Western world has ever produced" - CreebyTwo Johnnies, Blind Boy and Joe Rogan will be watching from the shadows. G'luck n' g'bless! Tip a man tenderly - Claw w€dg€ Paypal/Maloneysdigest Patreon @Hardy bucks