The official HBO podcast hosted by Nancy Miller. In 2013, author Michelle McNamara published her groundbreaking article about The Golden State Killer in LA Maga...
HBO presents HBO Docs club, a podcast that pulls back the curtain on a wide variety of titles from the HBO Documentary Films unit. We wanted to give you access to the first episode, where hosts Brittany Luse (For Colored Nerds) and Ronald Young, Jr. (Solvable) discuss 'Atlanta's Missing and Murdered,' a 2020 five-part docu-series that revisits the disappearances and murders of over 30 Black children and young adults in Atlanta between 1979-1981. Brittany and Ronald interview director Sam Pollard about his filmmaking philosophy, and getting people to open up about traumatic experiences and the impact of the film after its release. They also speak with author and professor Tayari Jones about growing up as a child in Atlanta during the time of these murders, and the way those dark events linger in the lives of those who were affected. Subscribe to HBO Docs Club now to listen to more episodes.
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The Kathy Lombardo Case (with Billy Jensen and Elizabeth Wolff)
Nancy Miller takes us through the maze of the investigation into the unsolved rape and murder of Kathy Lombardo, as told in the new special episode on HBO Max. True crime writer and executive producer Billy Jensen talks about the likelihood of solving this case. Series director/producer Elizabeth Wolff speaks with Kathy’s family and tries to unearth decades old evidence. And we hear from a woman who survived an eerily similar attack.
If you have any information related to Grace or Kathy Lombardo’s cases, you can call the Cook County State's Attorney's Office at 773-674-2700 or 312-603-1880, and the Oak Park Police Department’s anonymous tip line at 708-434-1636.
This podcast is produced by HBO in conjunction with Pineapple Street Studios. It is hosted and produced by Nancy Miller.
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The Golden State Killer Sentencing
Nancy Miller revisits her conversation with survivor and activist Kris Pedretti. Then we hear from inside the courtroom where the GSK sentencing took place - including selections from the victim impact statements, a statement from Joseph James DeAngelo, and the ultimate ruling and sentencing from the judge. This podcast is produced by HBO in conjunction with Pineapple Street Studios. It is hosted and produced by Nancy Miller.
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It’s Chaos, Be Kind (with Kris Pedretti)
Nancy Miller talks to activist and survivor Kris Pedretti about her own discovery of the GSK’s capture. The pair discuss Kris’ decision to share her story, the survivors' support network, and her reflections on the recent GSK hearing. Series directors Liz Garbus and Elizabeth Wolff remember Michelle McNamara’s healing mantra. This podcast is produced by HBO in conjunction with Pineapple Street Studios. It is hosted and produced by Nancy Miller.
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Roses and Thorns (with Paul Haynes and Patton Oswalt)
Nancy Miller and citizen detective Paul Haynes look back at his working relationship and friendship with Michelle McNamara. Later, Patton Oswalt joins Nancy to discuss his path to support the completion of Michelle’s book and how he continues to look forward in spite of tragedy. This podcast is produced by HBO in conjunction with Pineapple Street Studios. It is hosted and produced by Nancy Miller.
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The official HBO podcast hosted by Nancy Miller. In 2013, author Michelle McNamara published her groundbreaking article about The Golden State Killer in LA Magazine with the help of her editor, Nancy Miller. McNamara died in 2016, and her book on the subject, I’ll Be Gone In The Dark, was released two years later.Now, I'll Be Gone in the Dark is an HBO documentary series, exploring the case and McNamara's devotion to it. In this official companion podcast, Miller checks in every week with series directors Academy Award-nominee and Emmy Award-winner Liz Garbus and Elizabeth Wolff. Miller also speaks with the people closest to McNamara and the investigation -- including McNamara's husband, comedian Patton Oswalt; Carol Daly, one of the original detectives on the case; and more.Stream new episodes of I’ll Be Gone In The Dark, starting June 28th, Sundays at 10 PM on HBO and HBO Max. For more information and resources, go to
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