Hearts Aflame, hosted by Dustin Benge and a ministry of Unashamed Truth, is a daily devotional podcast that draws from the rich writings of the Puritans. Each e...
In "A Golden Chain," William Perkins explores the nature and role of angels—God’s powerful, spiritual beings created to glorify Him and execute His divine will. Though unseen, angels serve as messengers, warriors, and ministers, carrying out God’s commands with swiftness and strength. Scripture describes them as wise, mighty, and innumerable, ever dwelling in God’s presence and worshiping Him. This episode examines the biblical portrayal of angels, their hierarchy, and their purpose in God’s providence.
The Triune God
In "A Golden Chain," William Perkins expounds on the foundational doctrine of the Trinity—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three distinct persons in one divine essence. Though beyond full human comprehension, this truth is central to understanding God’s nature, His work in creation, and our salvation in Christ. This episode explores the unity, love, and order within the Trinity, reminding us that our worship must embrace God in His fullness.
The Life and Power of God
In "A Golden Chain," William Perkins presents God not as a distant force but as the living, ever-active Creator. His wisdom is infinite, His will is sovereign, and His power is absolute. Nothing unfolds outside His perfect knowledge, and nothing can frustrate His divine purpose. This episode invites us to trust in God’s wisdom, submit to His sovereign will, and rest in His unlimited power.
The Nature and Greatness of God
In "A Golden Chain," William Perkins leads us into a deeper understanding of God's eternal nature, self-sufficiency, and unchanging character. Unlike man, God is not bound by time, weakness, or limitation. He is the first cause of all things, the sustainer of the universe, and the only One worthy of worship. This episode invites us to marvel at the infinite greatness of God, to trust in His unchanging promises, and to worship Him as the eternal, self-existent Creator. Let the majesty of God's nature strengthen your faith and deepen your worship for Him.
Hungering for Righteousness
In "The Beatitudes," Thomas Watson unpacks two aspects of righteousness—imputed righteousness, which comes from Christ, and implanted righteousness, which transforms our hearts and lives. True blessedness comes from hungering after righteousness, a longing that is itself a sign of spiritual life. This episode challenges us to rest in Christ’s righteousness while earnestly seeking holiness. Just as a newborn hungers for milk, so should believers hunger for godliness.
Hearts Aflame, hosted by Dustin Benge and a ministry of Unashamed Truth, is a daily devotional podcast that draws from the rich writings of the Puritans. Each episode pairs timeless truths with Scripture, encouraging believers to deepen their faith and set their hearts aflame with love for Christ.