This unique and lively history show delves into some of the world's most important political, social and cultural events and the intriguing personalities behind...
Patrick Geoghegan chats to Prof Diarmaid Ferriter on how Ireland was transformed over the past 25 years, as told in his new book The Revelation of Ireland, 1995-2020; we also hear the untold story of the women on Wall Street and the misogyny they faced, from Paulina Bren's new book She Wolves: The Untold History of Women on Wall Street; and how the IRB changed the course of Irish history, with John O’Beirne Ranelagh.
Notre Dame
As Notre Dame reopens after its catastrophic fire, Patrick Geoghegan looks at the construction and re-construction of one of the most iconic cathedrals in the world. Joining him are: Dr Emily Guerry, Senior Lecturer in Medieval European History at the University of Kent, Dr Caroline Bruzelius, Professor Emerita of Art and Art History at Duke University, Dr Jennifer M. Feltman, Associate Professor of Art History and Medieval Art at the University of Alabama, and Dr Meredith Cohen, Associate Professor of Medieval Art and Architecture at UCLA.
Roman Emperor Septimius Severus
In this episode of Talking History - the story of Caracalla and Geta, the two emperors who share power in the new Gladiator 2 film, how their father Severus transformed Rome, and how their dynasty ended in violence and murder. Patrick Geoghegan is joined by Dr David Woods, Head of the Department of Classics at UCC; Prof Mark Humphries, Professor of Ancient History, Swansea University; and Dr Rebecca Usherwood, Assistant Professor in Late Antique and Early Byzantine Studies at Trinity College Dublin.
Oscar Wilde: His Rise And Fall
From Decadence To Despair: in this episode we discuss how Oscar Wilde went from the heights of literary fame to the depths of public scandal, as we debate his remarkable legacy.Joining Patrick Geoghegan is Caoimhe Ní Ghormáin, Manuscripts Curator, the Library of Trinity College Dublin; Martin Burns, creative director, Oscar Wilde House; and Jarlath Killeen, Head of the School of English at Trinity College Dublin.
The History of Gladiators
Marking the release of Gladiator 2, in this episode we explore the brutal world of gladiators - and how they rose from captivity to become icons of the Roman Empire. Featuring: Dr Jerry Toner, Director of Studies in Classics at Churchill College, University of Cambridge, Kathleen M. Coleman, James Loeb Professor of the Classics, Harvard University, and Dr Andrew Fear, Lecturer in Classics, University of Manchester.
This unique and lively history show delves into some of the world's most important political, social and cultural events and the intriguing personalities behind them.
Presented by Dr Patrick Geoghegan of Trinity College Dublin, Talking History unravels the gritty, sometimes uncomfortable, side of our past, and what we can learn from it.