Life Crafting: A Way of Thinking, Working, and Living
Life Crafting has appeared in the curriculums of colleges and universities around the world including Harvard University, the University of California at Berkel...
This episode provides a complete overview of the Life Crafting framework that people all over the world are using to help organize the content of their lives, their Life Curriculum, and the journey of their lives through the four Life Phases.
Finally, this episode presents the idea of craftsmanship as practiced in the cultures of the world for thousands of years, as a focusing practice to perform everything you do in your life with skill.
Life Crafting is a Way of Thinking, Working, and Living.
The Way of Craftsmanship
There is an old saying about life's purpose, "find something you do well to make you happy." That suits some people, and they might spend a lot of time looking for the one something to do well.
An alternative old saying is, "do well, everything you find." These people will be happy by performing well in whatever they are doing today. Craftsmanship is a way of thinking, working, and living.
Life Phase 1: Apprenticeship | Age 14-25
Apprenticeship spans Ages 14-25 when young men and women are engaged full-time in the learning phase of life.
This episode looks at the main goal of the Apprenticeship Life Phase, and how to perform it well, or encounter significant setbacks when entering the workplace in the Journeywork Life Phase unprepared to perform with a high degree of skill.
Life Phase 2: Journeywork | Age 25-45
The Journeywork life phase spans ages 25-45 the years when men and women practice their occupations, raise families, and distinguish themselves through demonstrated skill.
This episode presents the challenges of developing mental and physical stamina, to weather the Journeywork Life Phase, to enter the Masterworks Life Phase with strength to create masterpieces.
Life Phase 3: Masterworks | Age 45-65
The Masterworks Life Phase: Ages 45-65. In this phase men and women are skilled across a range of life's subjects and making masterpieces of their own.
This episode presents the characteristics of Life Crafting in the Masterworks Life Phase.
About Life Crafting: A Way of Thinking, Working, and Living
Life Crafting has appeared in the curriculums of colleges and universities around the world including Harvard University, the University of California at Berkeley, and Erasmus University Rotterdam, which is fundamentally changing what is being taught in our schools, and what education looks like in the 21st century.
These episodes introduce you to Life Crafting and how to use it as a tool to organize and manage your life curriculum, the contents you will learn and use for the rest of your life.
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