Meeting Halfway is a weekly podcast featuring LSMark and Veronica as they interview creators and artists that have been both life-long and contemporary inspirat...
Today Mark and Veronica are joined by Sr Pelo to talk about Spooky Month and Storytimes!Meeting Halfway is a weekly podcast featuring LSMark and Veronica as they interview creators and artists that have been both life-long and contemporary inspirations for their collective creative worlds.You can also find weekly episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts!LS Mark music by: Nick OlmozProduced by Screenwave Media #srpelo #spookymonth
The Knuckles Show Makes Grown Men Cry
Today Mark and Veronica talk about the Knuckles Show and the fan out-cry, along with the AI Debate around Late Night with the Devil!Meeting Halfway is a weekly podcast featuring LSMark and Veronica as they interview creators and artists that have been both life-long and contemporary inspirations for their collective creative worlds.You can also find weekly episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts!LS Mark Veronica The Knuckles Show Makes People Mad33:19 Mail-Time34:51 Late Night with the DevilIntro music by: Nick OlmozProduced by Screenwave Media #knuckles #sonic
Nicktoons Battle for Volcano Island is THE Game Ever
Veronica and Mark Revisit a game from Mark's childhood to see if it holds up, Nicktoons Battle for Volcano Island!Meeting Halfway is a weekly podcast featuring LSMark and Veronica as they interview creators and artists that have been both life-long and contemporary inspirations for their collective creative worlds.You can also find weekly episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts!LS Mark Veronica music by: Nick OlmozProduced by Screenwave Media
Mr. Beast's Ghoul Grumps Apology
Mark and Veronica return to find out who wins the chocolate wars, Mr Beast or Hershey's, along with a fun story about their near encounter with a certain Grump.Meeting Halfway is a weekly podcast featuring LSMark and Veronica as they interview creators and artists that have been both life-long and contemporary inspirations for their collective creative worlds.You can also find weekly episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts!LS Mark Veronica music by: Nick OlmozProduced by Screenwave Media #meetinghalfway
Crash The Wrath of Cortex is HORRIBLE
Today Mark and Veronica play a nostalgic game from their childhoods, Crash Bandicoot the Wrath of Cortex, to rediscover what made it so... bad.Meeting Halfway is a weekly podcast featuring LSMark and Veronica as they interview creators and artists that have been both life-long and contemporary inspirations for their collective creative worlds.You can also find weekly episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts!LS Mark The Wrath of Cortex is HORRIBLE; 0:00 This game sucks 3:25 Sponsor 4:40 Mickey Mouse or Crash Bandicoot 14:00 PO Box 23:20 End of World 1 29:45 World 2 is just as bad 58:02Outro Intro music by: Nick OlmozProduced by Screenwave Media #meetinghalfway
Meeting Halfway is a weekly podcast featuring LSMark and Veronica as they interview creators and artists that have been both life-long and contemporary inspirations for their collective creative worlds. You can also find weekly episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts!