Welcome to the Monsters and Treasure podcast where Kevin and Daniel talk way too long about a subject and just give you the best parts. We started this podcast ...
No win situation📖 You can contact us at monstersntreasure@gmail.com👑 You can find more of KR at http://www.youtube.com/DDHomebrew👓 You can find more of Daniel at http://www.youtube.com/banditskeep💬 Join Daniel's Discord: https://discord.gg/jvPhY8bRs6Thanks for listening
Traveling Down a Different Path
Where no one has gone before📖 You can contact us at monstersntreasure@gmail.com👑 You can find more of KR at http://www.youtube.com/DDHomebrew👓 You can find more of Daniel at http://www.youtube.com/banditskeep💬 Join Daniel's Discord: https://discord.gg/jvPhY8bRs6Thanks for listening
WoTC - All Downhill from Here, or an Uphill Climb?
Hard to maintain the momentum
📖 You can contact us at monstersntreasure@gmail.com
👑 You can find more of KR at http://www.youtube.com/DDHomebrew
👓 You can find more of Daniel at http://www.youtube.com/banditskeep
💬 Join Daniel's Discord: https://discord.gg/jvPhY8bRs6
Thanks for listening
The Language of RPG, or Languages in RPGs
A genre, a game, how do they work together
📖 You can contact us at monstersntreasure@gmail.com
👑 You can find more of KR at http://www.youtube.com/DDHomebrew
👓 You can find more of Daniel at http://www.youtube.com/banditskeep
💬 Join Daniel's Discord: https://discord.gg/jvPhY8bRs6
Thanks for listening
Who Improvs More, Old or New School?
A genre, a game, how do they work together
📖 You can contact us at monstersntreasure@gmail.com
👑 You can find more of KR at http://www.youtube.com/DDHomebrew
👓 You can find more of Daniel at http://www.youtube.com/banditskeep
💬 Join Daniel's Discord: https://discord.gg/jvPhY8bRs6
Thanks for listening
Welcome to the Monsters and Treasure podcast where Kevin and Daniel talk way too long about a subject and just give you the best parts. We started this podcast with the idea of talking about D&D, but we also plan on talking books, movies and other media - let us know what you’d like to hear.
Daniel @Bandit’s Keep started playing back in 1981 with the B/X set
KR @DDHomebrew started with the boxed set and now runs 5E, and specializes in homebrewing campaign settings.