Join Esther, Aoife and Neil as they mock, ridicule and (occasionally) praise the classic nostalgic TV shows of their long-long-ago youth. Seriously, why does ev...
As vengeance for last week's Speed Racer debacle, Esther made us all watch The Bots Master, a horrible show about horrible people being horrible to robots. The robots are also horrible, but it's not their fault. Also, Esther wants you all to know that she is deeply, deeply sorry. Our theme song is 'Around The Corner (and down a bit)' by Matt Oakley. Incidental music this episode was 'Outta The Blocks' by John Bartmann.
Episode 1: Ulysses 31
The gang begin their epic odyssey with Ulysses 31, a French/Japanese animated adaptation of the Odyssey. In SPAAAAAAAACE!" Our theme song is 'Around The Corner (and down a bit) by Matt Oakley. Incidental music is 'Claim of Thrones' by RKVC.
Episode 2: Speed Racer
In our last episode, Neil chose violence. Specifically the cartoon violence of Speed Racer, one of the great milestones of anime's conquest of the West despite being...ya know. Our theme song is 'Around The Corner (and down a bit) by Matt Oakley. Incidental music is 'Jazzy Detective' by John Bartmann.
Join Esther, Aoife and Neil as they mock, ridicule and (occasionally) praise the classic nostalgic TV shows of their long-long-ago youth. Seriously, why does everything hurt now?