This talk is an outro to my last four years of work and a segue into the next phase. It’s been a great run, but very soon, it’ll be time to shift gears.This First Baptist Church event was great. What a great crowd! But alas, the Machine hath cursed me yet again (or at least, my own technical blunders did).The video is completely out of focus. Damnit! I reckon I should be grateful the audio came out alright.In any event, here is my talk with the slides overlayed—a little PowerPoint hoodoo voodoo schmoodoo—so it’s not a total wash.I’ve never been one to read from notes onstage, so this is pretty much off the top of my head.I hope you enjoy!SIGNED COPIES OF DARK ÆON ARE NOW AVAILABLE Purchase yours at → ← Get full access to SINGULARITY WEEKLY at
A Brief Interlude — Artificial Joebotic Intelligence
Dear Singularity Weekly Readers,Very sorry for the delay and for the truncated podcast. I just got my Substack subscriptions fixed by a human. If it went well, you should all receive this email.For those thousands of you who were not getting the Omega Point Podcast and missed it—please, begin with Episode 0 here and keep going!You can tell it took me a a few shows to get the hang of it. But I’m almost there!Also, I will be traveling next week. So I must prepare.If you are in the Dallas area next week, I’ll be speaking at First Baptist Church downtown:Cyborg Theocracy — The Rise of Digital DeitiesSunday, September 29 — 5:30 pmFirst Baptist Church1707 San Jacinto St.Dallas, TX 75201C’mon down!As for above Omega Point interlude, a friend sent me a new podcast that breaks down my latest article Killswitch Engaged. I urge you to listen to at least a few minutes of their take.My concluding commentary is only matched by the outro track (a personal favorite).To all the newcomers, welcome aboard this rudderless ship! For your convenience, I’ve included my first ten episodes below.(Also, regarding my upcoming nanotech article—look for it on Monday, September 30. Gonna be a banger.)Godspeed and God bless!SIGNED COPIES OF DARK ÆON ARE NOW AVAILABLE Purchase yours at → ← 10% off with Promo Code: JOEBOT — until now through September Get full access to SINGULARITY WEEKLY at
Episode 10 — Truther Than Thou
If you believe in every conspiracy, you’re delusional. If you ignore all conspiracies, you’re prey. SIGNED COPIES OF DARK ÆON ARE NOW AVAILABLE Purchase yours at → ← 10% off with Promo Code: JOEBOT — until now through September Get full access to SINGULARITY WEEKLY at
Episode 9 — LIVE From New York, It's Cyborg Theocracy!
In lieu of my usual intimate podcast, I present to you my rant in New York City about the decline of human dignity and the rise of cyborg theocracy. This talk was delivered off the cuff, but with more love and affection than a puppy dog playing with his new robot chew toy. I hope you enjoy it. Full video here SIGNED COPIES OF DARK ÆON ARE NOW AVAILABLE Purchase yours at → ← 10% off with Promo Code: JOEBOT — until now through September Get full access to SINGULARITY WEEKLY at
Episode 8 — Descent of the God Bots
The prospect of digital gods is chilling. Personally, I am agnostic toward the idea. Maybe the Super Computer Gods are on their way. Or maybe it’s just a poorly thought out sales pitch, like supernatural vaporware. God only knows. What I do know is that new technoreligions are arising. As with the rise of any new religion, they will have profound impacts on the real world. I caution you not to drink the Kool-Aid. Which is another way of saying, don’t take the iTrode. SIGNED COPIES OF DARK ÆON ARE NOW AVAILABLE Purchase yours at → ← 10% off with Promo Code: JOEBOT — until now through September Get full access to SINGULARITY WEEKLY at