Press On is a Christadelphian journal. We publish engaging perspectives, expressed with enthusiasm and love for other believers. Press On aspires to stimulate g...
Jesus's ministry exemplified best practices in advocacy and change strategies. In it, one can identify clear objectives, specifically chosen audiences, deliberate message points, and various tactics we would still see in modern communication campaigns.
How Jesus Read the Old Testament
In reading the Old Testament, Jesus seems to be selecting the most important verses – the verses which apply most fully to himself and his mission at that time, and the verses which he wants his hearers to understand both about him and about their own discipleship. Jesus does not simply applying Old Testament examples indiscriminately. Instead, we see him applying the Scriptures with wisdom; filling out their full meaning; reading towards mercy; and Jesus is the one who now embodies God’s Word fully. He is the one through whom God has now fully spoken.
Parable Curiosity
We are used to the idea that doctrine is defined and held together by straightforward literal – almost legal – language. Historically, the teaching of scripture has been reduced to a series of propositions in a ‘statement of faith’ or a ‘creed.’ But Jesus didn’t teach like that, and the parables are an essential part of the way he encouraged his audience to think for themselves. ‘That is curious’ they might say. ‘What is this young rabbi driving at?’
The three ancient Greek transcendentals—truth, goodness, and beauty—reflect essential principles which are also seen in the Bible. While truth and goodness receive ample attention in Christian discourse, beauty is often neglected despite its crucial role in attracting people to God through love, grace, and emotional connection.
Sealed in Christ
The seven seals in Revelation represent the Divine process for working with people. The first four seals speak of the conditions under which people respond to God's invitation, while the final three reveal God's plan for gathering those followers.
Press On is a Christadelphian journal. We publish engaging perspectives, expressed with enthusiasm and love for other believers. Press On aspires to stimulate growth in the Christadelphian community by helping it draw strength from its diversity, following the spirit of 1 Cor 12, and Rom 12 — one body, made up of different parts, all of whom are dependent on each other. As in the first century, our community of faith can benefit from both progressive and traditional perspectives so long as they are explored compassionately and without factionalism. That is what we are trying to do. As a listener of Press On, you may come across perspectives you have not encountered before. Some topics you may immediately resonate with and be thrilled by. Others you might disagree with. Our goal is that either way, you come away without feeling talked down to and with something worth considering.