Salaam and welcome to Reborn Muslim: a podcast all about being a revert to Islam. I'm your host, Avalon and I've been Muslim since 2020. The idea for this podca...
A Message to the New Muslims: What I Wish Someone Told Me.
🚨EMERGENCY PALESTINE RELIEF:🚨!/ Our brothers and sisters in Palestine are in desperate need of our help. Please do not abandon them in their time of need—donate what you can and continue to make dua for their protection, victory, justice, peace, and freedom, and that Allah will deal with their oppressors. Asalaamu alaikum and welcome back to Reborn Muslim, the podcast all about being a convert to Islam. In this week's episode, I'm talking to the brand new converts who've embraced Islam during this very intense time we're all going through. May Allah bless you all on your journey and I hope you find this advice useful. Thank you for tuning in! If you like my content and would like to support me, please consider checking out my guided journal for Muslims (especially converts), that I recently published on Amazon. The link is below. (: *Buy Reborn Muslim the Guided Journal here!* CONNECT: IG: @ahijabirose Podcast IG: @rebornmuslimpod Other places to listen to Reborn Muslim Podcast:
RED FLAGS to look out for in a Husband (for Reverts) + Inward VS Outward Deen
Asalaamu alaikum and welcome back to Reborn Muslim, the podcast all about being a convert to Islam. In this week's episode, we're doing a deep dive into red flags you should look out for as a revert/convert to Islam when trying to find a husband. Specifically, I'll be discussing the issue I've noticed of sisters focusing on OUTWARD expressions of faith and neglecting to dig deeper to see the true character and deen of the man they're marrying. I hope this helps. I have linked my LinkTree here: , which has a PDF which was given to me by my amazing Qu'ran teacher and it has a slew of questions us convert sisters should ask a man before marrying him. The PDF is the top link once you click on my LinkTree; definitely check it out for reference even if you haven't met someone yet! If you like my content and would like to support me, please consider checking out my guided journal for Muslims (especially converts), that I recently published on Amazon. The link is below. (: *Buy Reborn Muslim the Guided Journal here!* CONNECT: IG: @ahijabirose Podcast IG: @rebornmuslimpod
Using Social Media as Muslims: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly...
Asalaamu alaikum and welcome back to Reborn Muslim, the podcast all about being a convert to Islam. Today's episode is about how social media might be affecting us as Muslims and my thoughts as a content creator. I hope you enjoy this episode and I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic! Thank you for watching! If you like my content and would like to support me, please consider checking out my guided journal for Muslims (especially converts), that I recently published on Amazon. The link is below. (: Buy Reborn Muslim the Guided Journal here! CONNECT: IG: @ahijabirose Podcast IG: @rebornmuslimpod
Humanity VS Agenda: Intersectionality and Islam
Asalaamu alaikum and welcome back to Reborn Muslim, the podcast all about being a convert to Islam. Today's episode is about modern issues facing the Ummah: the idea of intersectionality being used in regards to Muslims, liberal ideologies, and where the middle ground lies. I hope you enjoy this episode and I would love to hear your thoughts! Thank you for watching! If you like my content and would like to support me, please consider checking out my guided journal for Muslims (especially converts), that I recently published on Amazon. The link is below. (: Buy Reborn Muslim the Guided Journal here! CONNECT: IG: @ahijabirose Podcast IG: @rebornmuslimpod
thank you, nana.
Thanks for being here ad please know that if you're grieving or hurting in any way, you're not alone. CONNECT: IG: @ahijabirose Podcast IG: @rebornmuslimpod *Buy Reborn Muslim the Guided Journal here!* Other places to listen to Reborn Muslim Podcast: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: (all other platforms linked here:
Salaam and welcome to Reborn Muslim: a podcast all about being a revert to Islam. I'm your host, Avalon and I've been Muslim since 2020. The idea for this podcast came to me after gaining a few years of podcasting experience and deciding it was time I took my revert content from Instagram and YouTube to my favorite platform of all!
JazakAllah khair for your support!
IG: @ahijabirose
Podcast IG: @rebornmuslimpod