An investigation into one of the oldest unsolved cases on the FBI’s books spanning six decades. Joseph Maloney remains wanted on a charge of first-degree murder...
Finale. Almost 60 years after the death of June Fisk, we're at the end of our journey in our efforts to find some justice for June and her family. And while we do everything in our power to find the last known location of June's alleged murderer, Joseph Maloney, this story takes several final twists: to places none of us thought possible (Ep9/9)See for privacy information.
Episode 8 - Land of Reinvention
When Joe Maloney was released by the Irish authorities, it was always going to be unlikely that he'd simply hang around, waiting for justice to be served. Within days of his release, he slipped away. But where to? Almost 40 years later, we've not only traced his footsteps, but we're following them - right across Europe. (Ep8/9)See for privacy information.
Episode 7 - Jailbreak
With Joe Maloney arrested and firmly behind bars for the first time in almost 20 years, everyone breathes a sigh of relief. June is finally going to get justice - and Joe will finally be held accountable. It took so long to get to this point, but the wheels are in motion to return Joe to America. Surely nothing can change that now. (Ep 7/9)See for privacy information.
Episode 6 - Closing The Net
As new information is sent into us by listeners, we begin to piece together new, unknown parts of Joe Maloney's story. We also focus in on the transatlantic efforts being made to arrest him and to bring him to justice - all of which leads to blowing the cover on the alias identity of Michael O'Shea. (Ep6/9)See for privacy information.
Episode 5 - The Ripple Effect
The actions of Joe Maloney have far reaching effects, beyond what even he could ever have imagined. Broken families. Broken homes. Broken lives. We manage to find close family members of both June and Joe and are shocked by what they have to tell us. (Ep5/9)See for privacy information.
An investigation into one of the oldest unsolved cases on the FBI’s books spanning six decades. Joseph Maloney remains wanted on a charge of first-degree murder having escaped justice in both the United States of America - and Ireland. // Previous series from Doc On One include Finding Samantha, The Nobody Zone, GunPlot and Tiger Roll: The People's Horse