Cars, Coffee and Comedy hosted by comedian and automotive enthusiast Spike Feresten and featuring Jerry Seinfeld, lawyer Paul Zuckerman, MotorTrend's Jonny Lieb...
Join Spike and Zuckerman for a humorous episode as he engages with Jeremy Piven, renowned actor, and comic, exploring Jeremy's 15-year endeavor in creating 'The Performance' from an Arthur Miller story. This compelling episode covers Piven’s persistence amidst production challenges, humor honed through comedic gigs to fund his passion and candid reflections on his transformative journey.
A Max Greenfield Christmas
Actor Max Greenfield joins Spike and Zuckerman for this Christmas Special to chat about his love of cars (Toyota Forerunners) and making comedy history. From the legacy of New Girl to behind-the-scenes hilarity with Jerry Seinfeld, Max dives into his journey through Hollywood and car culture.
Festivus 2024!
Our gift to you, dear listener. A special bonus, commercial-free episode of SCR as we celebrate Festivus in Baldwin Hills with cigars, an airing of grievances and feats of strength. Plus an emotional in memoriam tribute: the cars we lost this year and Zuckerman recalls the time he saw his father's balls on a boat.
How Not to Return a Car
Spike, Matt Farah, and Jonny Lieberman dive into California fires, billion-dollar car collections, and how the Rivian R1S stacks up against the Tesla Model X. Plus, is the Ford Mustang GTD really as fast as a Porsche 918 Spyder?
Jay Leno's Accident Conspiracies
Jay Leno joins Spike Feresten and Jonny Lieberman for cars, CONSPIRACIES, and comedy. Jay sets the record straight on wild theories about his recent accident and shares how he performed stand-up the same night. The crew dives into the restoration of Jay’s 1952 Talbot-Lago, Jaguar’s bold rebrand, Stellantis’ challenges in the auto industry, and why the Chevrolet Corvair is America’s most misunderstood classic. Plus, hilarious road stories, strong hotel opinions, and insights into the intersection of cars and comedy.
Cars, Coffee and Comedy hosted by comedian and automotive enthusiast Spike Feresten and featuring Jerry Seinfeld, lawyer Paul Zuckerman, MotorTrend's Jonny Lieberman, and The Smoking Tire's Matt Farah with guests from the automotive industry, notable comedians and celebrities. As always, there's one empty chair at Spike's table saved for you, the listener.