With the help of experts from across the country and some very curious kids, we explore a wide range of important and timely topics in STEAM—science, technology...
When Aubrey, Andre, Newton, and 12-year old Kid Investigator Will C. hit the road with only a printed map and Aubrey’s thinking cap to guide them, they quickly become lost. After one too many wrong turns, they turn to GPS for directions to get home—but where do the directions come from? GEICO software engineer Cesar Alcantara helps point them in the right direction.
Thanks for tuning in to Season 2 of STEAM Daydream with National Children’s Museum! You can find more STEAM programs and resources on our website at www.nationalchildrensmuseum.org. Stay in touch by joining our newsletter and following the fun on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Drawing Conclusions
After using a magical machine called Le Petit Artiste, A.J., Aubrey, and Andre wonder what makes art art. With the help of the Museum’s first-ever artist-in-residence Tommy Bobo and 10-year-old Kid Investigator Olivia S., the STEAM Daydream investigative team compares different masterpieces to draw conclusions about the elements of art.
Making Sense-ity of Density
Aubrey, Andre, A.J., and 8-year-old Kid Investigator Jack head to the Curiosity Carnival, where all the festivities—treats and games included—are based on a STEAM mystery. This year, the mystery is, “Why do some things float and others don’t?” Will the answer sink in before the carnival ends?
Bubble Trouble
When Janay challenges Andre and Aubrey to a bubble blowing battle, they think outside of the box for a way to blow away the judges, including 11-year-old Kid Investigator Kaedence. They decide the best way to upstage Janay is with a bubble in the shape of a cube. When things don’t go according to plan, Janay wins fair and…circle? Will they be able to square why bubbles are always round?
Check out our guided video activity on bubbles, which includes a recipe for the perfect at-home bubble solution!
Trash Day Dilemma
Aubrey and Andre organize a surprise birthday party for A.J. complete with extravagant decorations and a humongous cake, but it turns out they got the day confused. 11-year-old Kid Investigator Evelyn wonders where all the decorations will end up once they’re thrown away. The STEAM Daydream team goes on a wild trash chase to find out. Suit up, this investigation might get a little stinky!
About STEAM Daydream with National Children's Museum
With the help of experts from across the country and some very curious kids, we explore a wide range of important and timely topics in STEAM—science, technology, engineering, arts, and math.
STEAM Daydream is a children's podcast created by National Children’s Museum located in downtown Washington, DC. With a mission to inspire children to care about and change the world, the Museum sparks curiosity and ignites creativity for children under the age of twelve and their families through playful exhibits, programs, and virtual offerings. Learn more at www.nationalchildrensmuseum.org.