A comedic look at the world of Professional Wrestling. Four Irish lads sit down with a few beers and chat about the latest nonsense. It's the West of Irelands m...
The Wildest 2025 Wrestling Predictions - The AWP 378
We make our sensible wrestling predictions for 2025, until Paddy shows up and blows the door off this very original idea.
International Gravy Smuggling Is A Huge Problem - The AWP 377
I was given the episode title by the lads that appeared on the show. I have no idea what they talked about to get to that title, but I’ll tune in to find out. You should too.
The Golden Gordos 2024! - The AWP 376
The 2024 end of year wrestling awards show, it’s never been done!
Way Too Early AEW World’s End Predictions - The AWP 375
So this is our last “live” show before Christmas and New Years so we spent some time talking about WWE Saturday Night’s Main Event and predicting AEW World’s End when not all of the matches and competitors have been announced…because we’re so good at this.
Smooth Mars Bars, WWE SNME Predictions - The AWP 374
Steve and Steve in the morning. Steve finally starts watching Breaking Bad, smooth mars bars, burnout at work, the Rey Fenix situation and why they should just let him go, general lack of enthusiasm for AEW lately compared to the layers of storylines in WWE. We finish up with our WWE Saturday Night's Main Event predictions.
A comedic look at the world of Professional Wrestling. Four Irish lads sit down with a few beers and chat about the latest nonsense. It's the West of Irelands most popular wrestling podcast...presumably?