Welcome to The Autism Consultant podcast! I'm Molly Johnson, a former autism teacher now consulting autism parents to guide you through the difficulties that co...
Autism & behavior: How to teach your autistic child to wait for an item or activity
Waiting can be hard on your child. Can you blame them?! We all want what we want right now. Listen to this episode to learn what strategies and tools to implement at home to help your child understand the concept of waiting. These tips will help wait time feel more manageable for your child. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram where I share hundreds of tips and tricks to help with potty training, behavior, visual supports, and more! https://www.instagram.com/theautismconsultant/
Potty training your autistic child: how to help with potty refusals
You started potty training your autistic child and they are showing some refusal behaviors. Listen to this podcast episode to learn how to support your child through these potty refusals and what strategies will move you closer to a potty trained child.
IEP and parent rights tips from special education attorney Ashley Barlow
Today we have the pleasure of learning from Ashley Barlow, who is a repeat guest on the podcast because the topic of advocacy is so incredibly important. As a special education attorney, Ashley owns a law firm that focuses on special education while also having an online business, Ashely Barlow Company, that was established to empower parents and educators. Follow Ashley Barlow Co on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ashleybarlowco/ Visit Ahley Barlow's website https://ashleybarlowco.com/links Listen to Ashley Barlow's podacst on Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/special-education-advocacy-with-ashley-barlow/id1530453928
Autism and potty training: Answering YOUR potty questions!
I asked what YOUR questions were and I'm answering a few of them in this podcast episode. Subscribe to the podcast and/or follow me on Instagram (@Theautismconsultant) for more potty training advice!
Rob Gorski: Raising three young autistic adult children
Our guest is Rob Gorski, father to three autistic children, who is sharing his journey through podcasting, blogging, and social media. You might know him as TheAutismDad online. Rob’s children are in their early adult years so I wanted to hear from the perspective of a parent who is supporting young adult autistic children. Most of our listeners here are in the stage of raising younger children and I know they are excited to hear from someone who has been there, and done that. Connect with Rob: https://www.instagram.com/theautismdad/ https://www.theautismdad.com
Welcome to The Autism Consultant podcast! I'm Molly Johnson, a former autism teacher now consulting autism parents to guide you through the difficulties that come with having a child on the spectrum. I'm here to provide you with practical tips and strategies to use at home to help your child with reach their highest potential.
Follow us on social!