A solo-hosted variety show with different segments coming at all things from a 'based' Catholic perspective...takes often not included in the culture and liturg...
Episode 28 Special Guests include: Brent Hull, Founder of Hull Historical Millwork & Author Jack Cashill.
How much did America change after World War II? The short answer: a lot. For starters, we accelerated our standard of "cheap and fast" to the utmost degree in our architectural design and building. Mr. Hull comes on to share his passion for craftsmanship and historical restoration, as well as explain the history of how we got to the ugliness we see today. Turns out, Catholic universities are the only remaining hold out on beauty, and might be our only hope in the restoration of it. Then Mr. Cashill comes on to discuss his book, "Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight From America's Cities." We discuss how the urban ethnic Catholic parishes were the center of community for immigrants and how that was just never recreated in the suburbs. He also made the connection that while our cities were crumbling due to crime (the fallout of the sexual revolution in the black community), our Church also decided to reimagine itself.
Pro-Natalism Is Not Necessarily Pro-Family
Episode 27 Special Guest includes: Tim Carney, author of the book, "Family Unfriendly: How Our Culture Made Having Kids Much Harder Than It Needs To Be."
Civilization is in crisis. The birth decline continues to drop as marriage rates plummet and suffer from further delay. But how responsible is our culture for this? Does it play a role in family formation, making it intentionally harder to have kids? Would a more religious culture that encourages married couples to have more babies catch on? Listen to my discussion with Tim where we address all this and more!
A Willingness To Suffer...Well
Episode 26 Special Guests include: Franciscan Theology Professor, Dr. John Bergsma & Father David.
Are we willing to suffer for our beloved? If we liken the analogy of marriage to our relationship with God, how many of us simply use God rather than love Him for His own sake? In this episode I get into the different perspectives on suffering between protestants and Catholics with fellow Catholic convert, Dr. Bergsma. We discuss why we have to suffer, why Catholics "offer up" their sufferings, why it seems the wicked prosper and the just are punished, and what we can learn about enduring faith from Joseph in the Old Testament. Then I talk with Fr. David about spiritual discernment, if suffering is sent from God or the devil, and I learn something I did not know about the book of Job!
*Jordan Peterson/Father Dave Pivonka Clip
*Father Patrick Schultz Homily - "We Become The Saints We Don't Want To Be"
Make Mass Beautiful Again & Secularism's Coping Methods
Episode 25 Special Guest includes: Father Patrick Schultz from the Diocese of Cleveland.
I'm sure you've heard that famous Dr. Peter Kreeft quote: "Abortion is the Antichrist’s demonic parody of the eucharist. That’s why it uses the same holy words, “This is my body,” with the blasphemous opposite meaning." You could say that secular liberalism's sacramental substitute for the eucharist is a body *not* given up for another.
In the same way, consider our culture's obsession with therapy. Is it a cope for a lack of sacramental confession and/or spiritual direction? Is meditation and manifesting alternative replacements for prayer? Is the Anti-Christ society's warped preference for a savior? I pose all these questions to Father Pat, one of my favorite young priests! We also discuss the sacrament of confirmation and the need to bring back reverence and beauty in the liturgy, something that was suppose to remain in the mass post-Vatican II, but has unfortunately been obliterated by cringe suburban Catholicism.
IVF Is An Ishmael & Unyoking Yourself From The Woke Regime
Episode 24 Special Guests include: Them Before Us President and Founder, Katy Faust & The Spectator's Teresa Mull.
Issues related to marriage and family within liberalism's structure have long been decided based on what's best for the individual (i.e. the parent, the adult), never considering or in favor of what's best for the child. Katy goes child-centric in our conversation surrounding why biology matters, the agendas of adoption agencies, and how a regime that allows for reproductive technology like IVF to exist makes Ishmaels (like thousands of frozen embryos). Then I talk with Teresa about why moving to small town America might be the answer to our prevailing woes of wokeness!
A solo-hosted variety show with different segments coming at all things from a 'based' Catholic perspective...takes often not included in the culture and liturgical wars & ongoing intra-conservative debates.
Politically Integralist/Post-Liberal. Religiously Traditional. Culturally Retro.