The Bible Lore podcast takes listeners deep into the hidden mythology and lore of the Bible, with a journey through the chronological history of what is today k...
This time I bring Chapo Trap House's Chris Wade along as we dive into the story of David's ascension to king in both history and legend. Check out Chris and Molly's other podcasts here: Bibliography: Christian Frevel - ‘History of Ancient Israel’; Mario Liverani - ‘Israel’s History and the History of Israel’; Joel Baden - ‘The Historical David’; Robert Alter - ‘The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary’; Emanuel Pfoh - ‘The Emergence of Israel in Ancient Palestine’; Andrew Tobolowsky - ‘The Sons of Jacob and the Sons of Herakles’; Andrew Tobolowsky - ‘The Myth of the Twelve Tribes of Israel’; Kyle McCarter - ‘I Samuel’; Kyle McCarter - ‘II Samuel’; Susan Ackerman - ‘When Heroes Love’; Jennifer Knust - ‘Unprotected Texts’; Sara Diamond - ’Spiritual Warfare’; Other Bible quotations taken from the NRSVue and the NJPS with adaptations;
Episode 6: Conquest (feat. Kipp Davis)
It's history week on the Bible Lore Podcast. This time, Dead Sea Scrolls scholar Kipp Davis talks with me about the real and invented history of the conquest of Israel set in the book of Joshua. This episode serves as a sort of bird's eye view of all the history we're going to see between now and the mid-Second Temple Period, because in order to understand the Bible as a book, we have to understand the perspective of the people who wrote, collected, edited, and venerated these texts. Check out Kipp's YouTube channel: Our full interview will be on the Patreon in a few days for members: Bibliography: Christian Frevel - 'History of Ancient Israel'; Mario Liverani - 'Israel's History and the History of Israel'; Finkelstein and Silbermann - 'The Bible Unearthed'; John Barton - 'A History of the Bible'
Episode 5: Gilgamesh & the Deluge
This week's a special episode, where we take a break from history (mostly) and spend our time recounting the Epic of Gilgamesh, the GOAT of ancient literature that gets referenced and quoted in the biblical texts. I've got brief portions of my interview with Professor Susan Ackerman, where we talk about the liminality that allows for potentially homoerotic readings in both Gilgamesh and the story of David and Jonathan in the book of Samuel. For the full interview with Susan Ackerman and to support the show, become a patron here: Bibliography: Andrew George - ‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’; Irving Finkel - ‘The Ark Before Noah’; Francesca Stavrakopoulou - ‘God: An Anatomy’; Susan Ackerman - ‘When Heroes Love’; Kerry Sonia - ‘Caring for the Dead in Ancient Israel’; Robert Alter - ‘The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary’; Shinan & Zakovitch - ‘From Gods to God’; Bible quotations taken from the NRSVue and the NJPS with adaptations
Episode 4: Disintegration feat. Kerry Sonia
This time on the Bible Lore Podcast, we bid our farewell to the Bronze Age. Joining today is Dr. Kerry Sonia, who is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Colby College and author of the wonderful book 'Caring for the Dead in Ancient Israel'. Join us as we check out the Baal Cycle, El's Drinking Party, and other Ugaritic texts, and definitively answer your most pressing existential question: what happens when we die (in the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age)? Buy Kerry's book here: Support the Bible Lore Podcast by subscribing to the Patreon, which gives you access to my full interview with Dr. Sonia and more bonus content: Bibliography: Kerry M. Sonia - 'Caring for the Dead in Ancient Israel'; Marc van de Mieroop - 'A History of the Ancient Near East'; Hallo and Younger - 'The Context of Scripture'; Daniel Fleming - 'Yahweh Before Israel'; Donald Redford - 'Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times'; Eric Cline - '1177 B.C.'; Van der Toorn et al - 'Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible'; Robert Alter - 'The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary'; Francesca Stavrakopoulou - 'God: An Anatomy'; Andrew Tobolowsky - 'The Sons of Jacob and The Sons of Herakles'; Coogan & Smith - 'Stories from Ancient Canaan'; Theodore Lewis - 'The Origin and Character of God'; John Day - 'Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan'; Bible quotations taken from the NRSVue and the NJPS with adaptations
Episode 3: Sundown feat. Dan McClellan
The Bible Lore Podcast Episode 3: Sundown - This time, we finish the story of Akhenaten’s brief religious/political heresy, inducting a new Egyptian dynasty from the ashes of the Aten and setting the stage for the Bronze Age Collapse. Discover the TRUE origins of monotheism and Steve Martin’s SNL King Tut sketch. Thanks again to Dan McClellan - pre-order his book, The Bible Says So here: Check out Dan’s podcast, Data Over Dogma: Written and edited by Hayden Tank Artwork by Amanda Tank - Christopher Hayes - ‘Hidden Riches’ Ronald Ridley - ‘Akhenaten: A Historian's View’ Donald Redford - ‘Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times’ Eric Cline - ‘1177 B.C.’ Theodore J. Lewis - ‘The Origin and Character of God’ Daniel McClellan - ‘YHWH's Divine Images: A Cognitive Approach’ Reza Aslan - ‘God: A Human History’ Robert Alter - ‘The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary’ Marc van de Mieroop - ‘A History of the Ancient Near East’ Francesca Stavrakopoulou - ‘God: An Anatomy’ Emanuel Pfoh - ‘Syria-Palestine in The Late Bronze Age’ Richard Elliott Friedman - ‘The Exodus’ Daniel Fleming - ‘Yahweh Before Israel’ Konrad Schmid - ‘Genesis and the Moses Story’ Hallo and Younger - ‘The Context of Scripture’ Additional Bible quotations taken from the NRSVue with adaptations
The Bible Lore podcast takes listeners deep into the hidden mythology and lore of the Bible, with a journey through the chronological history of what is today known as the Middle East.