Welcome to the Every Nation podcast, where leaders from around the world share messages to encourage you as you lead in your community and on your campus.
How should we carry an apostolic mentality? Colleen Wewege exhorts us that Jesus has sent his disciples to bring revival to the world.Colleen is a senior leader at Every Nation Christchurch in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Jeng Aguinaldo: Set Apart to Teach and Preach
Does the impact and depth of the gospel compel you to go? Jeng Aguinaldo reminds us that we are called to preach the gospel and make disciples wherever God sends us.Jeng is a pastor with Victory Katipunan and Every Nation Campus in the Philippines.
Romona McCrindle: Empowered to Be a Witness
What power does our story hold in evangelism? Romona McCrindle preaches on how the Holy Spirit speaks through us when we share our faith with others.Romona serves as a pastor and church planter at Every Nation Glasgow in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Gio Saynes: Power, Promise, and Purpose
How can we pray, believe, and expect revival? Gio Saynes teaches how the Holy Spirit empowers us to preach God’s Word and plant churches in every nation.Gio is the Regional Director for Every Nation East Asia and serves as Lead Pastor at Every Nation Macau.
Pierre Smith: Missio Dei
Are missions essential to the life of a Christian? In this teaching on the Doctrine of Missions from "We Believe," Pierre Smith shows us how our missional God makes us a missional peoplePierre is the Pastor of Every Nation Helderberg in Somerset West, South Africa. Find out more about "We Believe" at everynation.org/webelieve.
Welcome to the Every Nation podcast, where leaders from around the world share messages to encourage you as you lead in your community and on your campus.