What makes us human? Humans are just animals who know how to cook. Whether you're interested in food, history, or both like I am, this podcast is for you
Everyone knows the saying about what the world’s “oldest profession” is, but you will find a very close runner up in the kitchen. The history of those who cook professionally to make their living goes way, way back to the origins of civilization itself. It’s another epic journey across the ages, this time with a … Continue reading "HOF Episode 28: The Ancient History of Chefs"
HOF Episode 27: A Day in the Life (of a Peasant Farmer)
Have you ever wondered if there’s more to history than dates and major events, what some of the stories and daily lives of regular people looked like? Do you need a reminder that history is populated with real people, who had lives just like we do? Come take a sweeping journey back into the past … Continue reading "HOF Episode 27: A Day in the Life (of a Peasant Farmer)"
When Britain industrialized in the late 1700s and the rest of the western world soon followed, humans were transformed to a degree not seen for 10,000 years when we first settled into farming life. But it wasn’t some simple flick of the switch, where some entrepreneurs decided to build some factories and invent the modern … Continue reading "HOF Episode 26: Factory Food (Industrial Revolution)"
HOF Episode 25: The Soul of American Cooking (Colonial USA)
Who founded America? George Washington? Thomas Jefferson? America had founding fathers alright, but they aren’t the ones you’re thinking of. Would you believe that African slaves and Indians were the true minds and bodies behind birthing America’s culture? It’s all true. Come listen to the story of how American ingredients , cooked by African Slaves, … Continue reading "HOF Episode 25: The Soul of American Cooking (Colonial USA)"
HOF Episode 24: The Feeling of Fullness (Sub Saharan Africa)
Is good cooking defined by ingredients, skill in preparation, style of cuisine, or is it something even more fundamental and deeply human? We left out of Africa all the way back in Episode 1, and rarely looked back, but in this episode we finally return to the vast continent, specifically south of the Sahara desert, … Continue reading "HOF Episode 24: The Feeling of Fullness (Sub Saharan Africa)"
What makes us human? Humans are just animals who know how to cook. Whether you're interested in food, history, or both like I am, this podcast is for you
Visit anthrochef.blog for recipes.
Theme music by Michael Levy of Ancient Lyre. “An Ancient Lyre” and much more is available from all major digital music stores and streaming sites.