The John Ankerberg Show is a daily radio program that discusses the historical accuracy of the life of Jesus, the Bible and how current issues stand up to Bibli...
Ep. 4 | 16 Prophecies That Prove Jesus is the Messiah Part 5
In Part 2 we continue to share the prophecies or clear proofs of the existence of God and clearly identify Jesus as the only One who could be the Messiah.
Ep. 3 | 16 Prophecies That Prove Jesus is the Messiah Part 4
In Part 2 we continue to share the prophecies or clear proofs of the existence of God and clearly identify Jesus as the only One who could be the Messiah.
Ep. 2 | 16 Prophecies That Prove Jesus is the Messiah Part 3
In Part 2 we continue to share the prophecies or clear proofs of the existence of God and clearly identify Jesus as the only One who could be the Messiah.
Ep. 1 | 16 Prophecies That Prove Jesus is the Messiah Part 2
In Part 2 we continue to share the prophecies or clear proofs of the existence of God and clearly identify Jesus as the only One who could be the Messiah.
Ep. 4 | 16 Prophecies That Prove Jesus is the Messiah Part 4
Dr. Walter Kaiser and Dr. Darrell Bock share the amazing Messianic prophecies God has given us in Scripture. We will present 16 clues or prophecies that clearly identify the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures.
The John Ankerberg Show is a daily radio program that discusses the historical accuracy of the life of Jesus, the Bible and how current issues stand up to Biblical history and Christianity.
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