In our last episode of series 7, as we always do, we reflect over the series and think about what impacted us most and what we learnt from it. This series was about answering your questions and although it has now finished, we always enjoy getting your questions so please continue to send them in
I must confess, it's been a long time!
It has been a long time! Longer than I would have wished! Those words ring true in a few ways today, in that we haven't had an episode up since Christmas, and also because those words will be familiar in what we're talking about in this episode - Confession! So listen along, and enjoy!
Christmas Message 2024
In this episode we reflect back over 2024 and share a Christmas message with you; with every Blessing - Grace & Peace
Spot the difference
Have you ever wondered about the difference between the 'Protestant' and 'Catholic' versions of the Bible? Well in this episode that's the listener's question that we think about. As always, if you've any questions that come off the back of this episode or want to know more please get in touch
Now that would be an ecumenical matter!
In our second episode of series 7 we get a question about my (And others) involvement in services at Clonard. There are many who have preached there and so we answer why that might be